b'Supporting Strategies5Delivering enabling infrastructure for a connected CountyContinue to plan, deliver and maintain key infrastructure in our County that sustains mobility and access and positions Kildare to achieve sustainable growth. 5.1Optimise connectivity and ease of access within and through the County by planning, development, maintenance, upgrade and management of a safe road network.5.2Promote and support the use, development and maintenance of sustainable transport alternatives including walking, cycling and public transport in collaboration with keytransport stakeholders and agencies.5.3Continue to provide infrastructure and facilities including car parking solutions, that support accessibility, commuters and the economic life of our towns and villages.5.4Support the development of a Digital Strategy that enhances our Countys economy by enabling rollout of broadband and telecommunications infrastructure by relevant providers. 5.5Facilitate and support Irish Water in their delivery of significant capital investments in the County. 5.6To ensure planning policy and development management support consolidated urban development and the reuse and regeneration of land and buildings in order to makethe provision of key public services sustainable.44'