b'Making it happen: Implementing, Monitoring, Reportingand ReviewingContextAnnual ReportImplementation, monitoring and reporting of this(Monitoring and Corrective Action)plan is essential to ensure the Council delivers When annually approving revenue and capital daily to bring to life the vision we hold for our budgets the Council are determining continued citizens and our County.corporate objectives. To inform this process, an annual review of the Corporate Plan will beThis Plan is developed based on current resourcesundertaken. The Council shall ensure assessment and realistic expectations by the executive andand reporting on the Corporate Plan is completed Elected Members regarding the future resourcesignificantly in advance of the budgetary process. and operating environment. The experience of theThis shall ensure the Corporate Plan Progressrecession has informed us that funding to our Report (based upon updated Baseline Data),sector is subject to major change. While the can highlight areas of slippage that requirebudgetary process, which is a function of there-allocation of budgets, personnel or highlightElected Members, is annual in scope, this Plan a need to streamline service delivery, to keep the projects priorities for the next five years. ThePlan on track. The assessment of annual progress Council welcomes adoption of the Plan as a in the delivery of the Corporate Plan will appear in commitment by all stakeholders to long term the Annual Report. objectives. The Plan is a strategic framework to guide theImplementing the Plan - AnnualCouncil in prioritising areas of expenditure asBudget, Annual Service Delivery Plan part of budgetary processes. However, changesand Performance Management andin the external environment can bring about newDevelopment System (PMDS) challenges. We must have in place a responsiveThe budgetary process and PMDS serve to embed process to monitor performance and to, wherethe plan in our tasks and activities and directnecessary, identify the need to either fully reviewbusiness planning, performance and strategicour plan or take quick corrective action, such asdirection throughout the Council. budget reallocation or redeployment of staff tosecure objectives. In this regard it is essential information is available to enable informeddecisions. The baseline data in our Plan willannually informs us of our delivery targets.The PMDS Link to StrategyPMDS ProcessCorporate Plan Setting, Agreeing & Managing Performance ObjectivesDepartment/Section Operational PlanUnit/TeamOperational PlanSupport InterventionIndividual (if required) Plan46'