Kildare has seen a significant increase in population in recent years.

This is due to a national increase in population, the expansion of Dublin, the return of many former emigrants and the growth of new settlements to house employees of new industry. Kildare is increasingly viewed as an attractive alternative to living in Dublin. This contributes to a growing labour force within the county. The graph on the right shows how the population of Kildare has increased by over 10,000 between the years 1991 and 1996. In 1996, 45% of Kildare’s population were under 25 years. This will create a large future workforce in the county.


Population growth in Kildare between 1991-1996
(Source –gamma stats)

Population growth since 1991


Age Distribution in Labour Force Kildare -1996
(Source - Gamma stats)

Labour Force DistribitionAge GroupsThe county's Labour Force Participation rate is 58.2%. The county has a high education and skills level. This is the result of a culture where great emphasis is placed on education. The Irish government has invested heavily in the provision of a high quality education system, including free education to third level. Great emphasis is placed on participation in third level education, with Ireland recording a third level participation rate of up to 50%. The result is many graduates with varied academic and technical backgrounds in the younger age groups of the Labour Force.

Labour Force and Level of Education achieved
(Source - Gamma stats)

Level of Education

Kildare has its own University at Maynooth. There is easy access to many universities and third level colleges in Dublin and surrounding counties.

Intel’s Communications Manager reported it’s prime motivating factor for establishing their European Headquarters in Kildare was the availability of a highly, skilled, competitively priced workforce and an attractive residential area for their workforce