NEWS 9 July

Lourdes Pilgrimage
Monasterevin Parish pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place from 2nd to 7th October, cost €695 pp sharing. There are 3 places remaining, so book early if you intend to travel. For booking and details, please contact Mary Ryan at 087 6822290 as soon as possible.
Moore Abbey Family Day
held their annual Family Day on Saturday 5th July.  A large number of people were in attendance to enjoy the welcome good weather on the day.  The day started with a Mass celebrated by the Bishop and our local priests. This was followed by lunch and entertainemnt from local artists, some memebers of staff, of the choir and of familes of staff. This was follwed by a very entertaining performance by the Garda Band.  Other entertainment on the day was provided by, the Drumming Band from Cope in County Cork, the famous comedienne, June Rodgers was very popular with Service Users and especially their families. There was a hotly contested hat competition, strawberries and cream, and Bucks Fizz were available in abundance to enhance the summery feel to the day. The day was rounded of with dancing in the marquee, all in all a wonderfull day, enjoyed by all.
Monasterevin Soccer Club
All senior players interested in playing during the coming season, please attend soccer pitch on Wednesday 2 July at 7pm. For further information please contact manager John Moore at 087 2937406.
Recreation Centre Committee Monasterevin
The committee would like to thank everyone that gave so generously to our annual flag week end. Also thank you to SuperValu for allowing us to collect. We raised €1,400.We waited patiently to hear the out come of our planning application which was due on Wednesday 18th. We received back a letter asking for 17 enquiries to be answered. We should have no trouble in answering these questions. So all we can say at this time is that we are feeling hopefully and we shall keep you all informed as soon as we hear back from Kildare County Council. From Sarah O’Neill, secretary.
Job Coach – Community Facilitator Training Programme
KARE in association with FAS have developed the above programme, it aims are to equip participants with the necessary competencies to work in this field. It starts in September and a weekly FAS training allowance is available to participants. Registration with local FAS office on or before 4 July. Email
Day Care Centre
Donations of knitting wool and needles for activities for the older people in the Day Care would be greatly appreciated, and may be left into centre on Monday and Thursday.
Monasterevin Medical Centre
Dr Barry Boland will be joined in practice at Monasterevin and Rathangan Medical Centres by Dr Jennifer Pugh, family doctor with a special interest in women’s health on Tuesday 1 July.
Contact numbers Monasterevin 045 525288, Rathangan at 045 528088
Animal Foundation Open Day
At South Green Road Kildare on Sunday 13 July at 1pm. Books, plants, teas, bric-a-brac, antiques, raffles, family games, cake stall, healing, pet supplies etc. Special guest Anne Doyle. Free admission and parking. Please do not bring any pets.
St. Peters Parents Council
wish to thank all who contributed to their super draw for interactive whiteboards. €500 was won by Amanda Whelan, €300 by Gerry Byrne, €150 by Bernie Callanan. Another 14 prizes were also won. Many thanks to all sponsors who contributed so generously.
Monasterevin GFC
Weekly draw results €150 Adam Forde, sellers prize James Forde, €50 Mick Behan, €50 Peter Clane, €50 Mary Dunne.
Ballykelly GFC and Community Council Development Lotto
Numbers drawn on 23rd June 01,04,22,24. Jackpot not won. Winners of €20 P Donoher, B Whyte, Marie and Rose, G Christe, A Fearon. Jackpot now €7,400.
Parish Lotto
Numbers drawn on 24 June 11, 12, 14, 19. Jackpot not won. Winners of €20 L.Sexton, N O’Loughlin, K Ransome, N Oxley, L Murphy. Jackpot now €3,600.