Monasterevin AFC

Schoolboy training has commenced for under 12, 14, & 16. Volunteers required to coach / manage under 11 side. For information, contact John Dunne on 086 8377375 or Richard Kemmy at 086 2497800.
Gospel Choir
First practice of the above choir will take place on Thursday 4 September in the Monasterevin Parish Centre at 8.00pm. Anyone wishing to join is welcome to come along on the night.
Monasterevin Credit Union
Members who add €20 to their shares during the month of September will be entered in a draw. Now that credit is getting tighter and some people may be experiencing problems managing their money, they are invited to call to the credit union where advice will be available.
Parish AGM
Will be held on Tuesday 9 September at 8.30pm in the Parish Centre. Everyone welcome.
Weekly Whist
Whist resumed on Monday 1 September in the Day Care Centre and will continue weekly on Monday at 9pm. New members welcome, lessons will be provided.
Portarlington Adult Education Centre
Part-time day courses in computers, childcare, accounts, painting, woodcarving and English as a second language, starting week 8 September 2008. Call Paul or Poilin at 057 8623161 for more information.
Padre Pio Pilgrimage to Knock
Takes place on Sunday 21 September. Bus leaving Monasterevin at 8.45am.Cost €20. For further information contact 087 6697902.
Lourdes Pilgrimage Reminder
Monasterevin Parish Pilgrimage will take place from 2 to 7 October. Cost €695. For anyone travelling to Lourdes the balance of the fare is now due. Contact Mary Ryan at 525403 or 087 6822290 or the Parish Office 525346.
Local Draws and Lottos
Monasterevin GFC
Weekly draw results; €150 Rob Hughes, sellers prize V Kennedy, €50 K Byrne, €50 G Harrison, €50 J Coughlan.
Ballykelly GFC and Community Coucil Lotto
Numbers drawn on 25 August 02, 09, 12, 16. Jackpot not won.
Winners of €20 C Cullen, D Kelly, N Perry, A Kelly, S Doherty. Jackpot now €9,200.
Parish Lotto
Numbers drawn on 26 August: 01, 19, 20, 22. Jackpot not won.
Winners of €20 P.Byrne, M Ryan, M Fitzpatrick, J Tynan, D McGlynn. Jackpot now