Message from PTA Chairman, John Flynn

Volunteers needed for stewarding duties during musical;



Hi Friends,
Its annual musical time again and this years production of 'The Pirates of Penzance' will run from the 5th to 8th February inclusive. If you are available to be a steward please let me know which evening or part of, on which you will attend. Will probably need 3 to 4 members per night. Carpark duties for the 5/6/8th will only be required to direct traffic away from jamming up the front of the school, into nearby carparks as the crowd arrive before the show. On Saturday evening however the six-o-clock Mass traffic will be departing the Parish Hall car park at the same time as the early musical crowd arrive and so will need extra effort for a short while. For 'first time' volunteers dont fret, the stewards function is to help the teachers in providing supervision of the participants (stars all of them), when they are back-stage between acts to ensure they are on best behaviour, (always have been in our experience) and that no one gos missing (has happened) at the vital moment when called to go on stage