Community Events Archive

Table Quiz for Celbridge Christmas Lights

Table Quiz for Celbridge Christmas Lights

Celbridge Community Council, Arts and Culture sub-committee are organising a table quiz to assist in funding the Christmas lights for 2008.

Teams, with 4 members on each, can register on the night.  Support for this very worthwhile community event is necessary and will be appreciated.

For the 12th year, the Christmas Lights will light up the Main Street in Celbridge.  The lights, which were the brain-child of the late Senator Kate Walsh, help create the festive atmosphere in Celbridge town over the Christmas period.  A small team of committed volunteers work through the night over a number of weekends to get the lights up and ready to switch on. 

The feature lights need to be checked and repaired each year, and all the light bulbs need to be replaced.  The continuous voluntary support of the small but committed group who put up the lights is crucial.  Most of the other towns around pay large sums of money to have lights erected by commercial organisations.  However, in Celbridge this is a community sponsored event.  


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