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June 27, 2006

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June 14, 2006

New Photographic Collection Launch Night

ICD – "images of cultural diversity in Kildare"


What? - Invitation to a launch

Kildare Community Partnership & Kildare Traveller Network would like to invite you to the launch of “Images of Cultural Diversity” a collection of images created by first time photographers in Co Kildare.

Where? - Kildare County Council Offices, Aras Chill Dara, Devoy Park, Newbridge Road, Naas.

When? - At 11 am on Friday the 30th June 2006.

Why? - The goals of this project were:

  • To document with photographs the ethnic diversity of the Kildare community
  • To create an exhibition entitled ‘Images of Cultural Diversity in County Kildare’.
  • To this end Travellers, Asylum Seeker’s, and the settled community came together to take part in a digital photography course. These imaginative and honest images capture life, family and community and are collected together in this very special exhibition.

Who? - We would like to extend our thanks to the many groups and individuals who made this exhibition possible. Thank you to our partners: Kildare Traveller Network and Kildare, Asylum Seekers Support Group. Thank you to Kildare Youth Service for providing the venue for the course and Kildare County Council who have generously offered to host and support the launch of this exhibition.

Particular thanks to the trainee photographers from the Cameroon, Ireland’s Traveller and Settled Communities, and Nigeria, who created this collection. This group who brought a richness of culture to the project now bring a richness of images to the wider Kildare community.

Find out more about this - We are enthusiastically supporting the offer of this exhibition to any organisation that wishes to display it. The images are available in large and small format for different venues.

Contact Eliska Schneiderova on 045 895450 or at


“This exhibition goes to the heart of the Kildare Community Partnership’s ethos; Creating Opportunities for individuals and communities to realise their full potential”.

Mary Keane - C.E.O, Kildare Community Partnership.

“People live again in print as intensely as when their images were captured”.

Ansel Adams – Photographer.

"This Project shows Travellers as a visible ethnic community in Kildare, working together with Ireland’s new communities."

Elizabeth McDonough – Kildare Traveller Network

“In this time of change for Kildare and Ireland we have a chance to capture images of our diverse and changing community.

This group of first time photographers are part of the vanguard that will help to create the images that reflect our multi-cultural community.

Their images show Kildare as it is now, images of change, images of culture, images of diversity”.

Jim Doyle – Member of Visual Artists Ireland

June 06, 2006

Irish Peatland Conservation Council Awarded Funding to Produce a Trail Guide for Lodge Bog

The Irish Peatland Conservation Council have been awarded funding from Vodafone and Conservation Volunteers Ireland Nature Fund.  Vodafone and Conservation Volunteers Ireland Nature fund aims to encourage the appreciation and protection of Ireland's unique natural environment through the funding of locally-based environmental projects and initiatives.  

Some of the funding raised by Vodafone is through their mobile phone recycling scheme.  The Irish Peatland Conservation Council based at the Bog of Allen Nature Centre in Lullymore, Rathangan were among ten other applicants throughout Ireland to receive funding through this initiative.

The Irish Peatland Conservation Council will be producing a Trail Guide for the Boardwalk on Lodge Bog, a conserved raised bog in Lullymore. The guide will be available to visitors to the area and school groups doing field studies on the bog. The guide will allow visitors and school groups to walk along the boardwalk and follow an information trail, thus giving them knowledge on the location, history and the plants and animals visible from the boardwalk. Lodge Bog represents a habitat that is severely threatened
and disappearing from the landscape.  It is part of the Bog of Allen, which has been reduced by 95% of its original size.  This Trail Guide will help to raise awareness and educate visitors and school groups to appreciate the heritage of the bogs that surround them.

Lodge Bog was donated to the Irish Peatland Conservation Council by Bord na Mona in 2004.  It is 28 hectares in size and traditionally is an important education site in the Bog of Allen.  Through supporter donations and fundraising events the Irish Peatland Conservation Council had raised the funds to erect a 95 metre Boardwalk on Lodge Bog by the summer of 2005.

This summer the Irish Peatland Conservation Council are planning to block drains on Lodge Bog with the aim to further maintain and improve the raised bog habitat to ensure its survival in the industrial cutaway landscape.  To do this we will need your help. 

The Irish Peatland Conservation Council are always looking for volunteers to come along to the Bog of Allen Nature Centre and give a helping hand.  If you are interested either in helping us to block the drains on Lodge Bog or in coming along to the Bog of Allen Nature Centre please contact Nuala on 045-860133 or e-mail on

Editors Notes:

The Bog of Allen Nature Centre is being developed by the Irish Peatland Conservation Council as a centre of excellence for peatland conservation, education and research.  This centre is open to the Public Monday to Friday and weekends by appointment. 

Special weekend openings are International Bog Day on 30th July 2006 and 25th November.

If you should require any photographs of Lodge Bog, please telephone Nuala on 045-860133 or e-mail

Irish Peatland Conservation Council
Bog of Allen Nature Centre,
Lullymore, Rathangan, Co. Kildare, Ireland
Tel 045-860133 Fax: 045-860481

Action for Bogs & Wildlife

June 05, 2006

Seminar On Care & Conservation of Graveyards

Kildare County Council to host seminar on The Care and Conservation of Historic Graveyards

Kildare County Council is delighted to announce a seminar, on “ The Care and Conservation of Graveyards ”. The seminar will be held in Keadeen Hotel, Newbridge on Thursday 15 th June starting at 9.30am. The aim of this seminar is to provide participants with knowledge of the main provisions of legislation, policy and procedure relating to graveyards and to offer advice to those caring for or cleaning up graveyards. The event is open to everybody interested in graveyards and aimed at burial ground committees, clergy, community groups and historical societies.

Graveyards are an important feature of the historic landscape and frequently provide clues to understanding our past. Our graveyards contain the remains of our ancestors but they also contain many significant structures, historical and archaeological. Because of the undisturbed nature of these sites, graveyards can be an oasis for a rich variety of plants and animals.

The seminar will include presentations from Victor Buckley, DoELGH on “Graveyard Management- Legislative framework Considerations”, Eanna Ni Lamhna on wildlife in graveyards and John Cronin, architect on “Conservation of Architectural and Ecclesiastical Ruins”. This seminar is free but booking is advised, as places are limited. For more information contact Bridget Loughlin, Heritage Officer, Kildare County Council at 045 980791 or

Click here to download pdf brochure (165 kb)

June 04, 2006

Volunteers Wanted for KYS Leixlip, Athy Community Development Project and Griese Youth Theatre.

KYS Leixlip

Job : Youth Leader
Skills : Must like young people, patience, open minded and commitment to the project
Time : Approx. 2 hours per week

Athy Community Development Project

Job : Computer Assistant for Kids Club
Skills : Computer skills, patience and a sense of fun!!!!!!
Time : 1-2 hours per week in the afternoons.

Griese Youth Theatre

Job : Film Festival Assistants
Skills : To assist with supervision of young people, duties to include camera,
organizing lunches, tidying up venue.
Time : Film Festival runs from July 20th to 23rd, 9 am-9pm

Are you interested in volunteering with the above positions?
Has your organisation got volunteering opportunities?

For further information or to register with Kildare Volunteer Bureau please contact:
Michelle - Kildare Volunteer Bureau
045 449156 or email