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October 31, 2006

Conference: Valuing Volunteerism

Kildare Volunteer Bureau

Kildare Volunteer Bureau Conference 2006

Valuing Volunteerism

Keynote Speaker: Mr. Fergus Finaly, Barnados, Taskforce on Active Citizenship

Date: 9th November 2006
Time: 4:30 p.m – 9.00p.m.
Venue: Westgrove Hotel, Clane, Co. Kildare

The Kildare Volunteer Bureau was set up in September 2005. We are based in Newbridge with outreach offices in NUI Maynooth and Athy. In our first year we have registered 227 Volunteers and have 130 volunteering opportunities with 61 organisations.

We are delighted to announce our first conference and are sure it will be of great interest to all organisations and individuals interested in volunteering. The Conference will be organised as follows:

Part 1 - (4.30 p.m. – 6.30 p.m.) will focus on “Best practice for Organisations”. Topics to include, Recruitment and Retention of Volunteers, Training and Supporting Volunteers and Volunteer Policy Development. Key Speakers are Ms. Anita Lawler, Regional Director Samaritans, Ms. Mary McVeigh, Regional Manager, Comhairle and Ms. Tricia Nolan, Manager South Dublin Volunteer Bureau.

Part 2 (7.15 p.m. - 9.00 p.m) will be of interest to both Volunteers and Organisations. This session features a presentation from Dr. Yvonne McKenna, National Development Officer, Volunteer Centres Ireland, a report on Kildare Volunteer Bureau, the Kildare Volunteer Bureau Advisory Group and the keynote address from Mr. Fergus Finaly.

Refreshments will be served from 6.30 p.m. to 7.15 p.m. for people wishing to join us/stay for Part 2 of the Conference.



Christmas Card Art Competition 2006

Christmas Card Art Competition 2006

Kildare Youth ServicesAge Categories:

10 - 12 years (goodie bag prize)
13 – 15 years ( prizes of Student Travelcards*)
16 – 18 years (prizes of Student Travelcards*)

Medium: Pencil, Paint, Photography or Computer Designed


All pieces to be accompanied by the artist’s name, age and telephone no.

Please bring or send your entries to:

Youth Information Centre
Kildare Youth Services
Canal Stores
Basin Street
Co. Kildare
(045) 897893


CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: Friday 24th November 2006

The overall winning design will be used as the official Kildare Youth Services Christmas Card, which will be distributed throughout the country.

*where winners are not in full time education an alternative prize will be given.

October 26, 2006

Maynooth Support Group for Eating Disorders

Up to 200,000 people in Ireland have an eating disorder…

Maynooth Support Group for People with Eating Disorders:

When: 2nd Wednesday of every month from October

Time: 8:00pm

Where: 'An Tobar' (The Well Room), Student Services Centre, North Campus (New Block).

Directions: Go directly through Hume Building to exit door, follow path veering to the right, to the student services centre

For more information contact Sinead on 01 283 4963

National Lo Call Helpline: 1890 200 444

Email support:


Bodywhys is the national voluntary organisation providing support, information and understanding for people

October 16, 2006

Funding Available for Heritage Projects

Public Encouraged to Play a Major Role

The Heritage Council Launches €3m Grant Programme for 2007

The Heritage Council is seeking applications for funding a wide range of projects to protect and enhance our national heritage. It has allocated almost €3m for seven grant schemes for 2007. The funding round is now open and projects which will be considered include local heritage, biodiversity, archaeology, publications, restoration of heritage buildings and museums and archives. Anyone can apply including community groups, individuals and organisations.

Applications must be submitted for all schemes by 3rd November 2006, except the Buildings at Risk programme, which is open until 31st March 2007.

This year a special grant fund of €500,000 has been allocated within the scheme for biodiversity projects. Full details are available online on

“Heritage belongs to people and we are all custodians of our rich natural and cultural heritage. The aim of the grant programme is to encourage and enable people throughout Ireland to enjoy, record, conserve, restore and celebrate the distinctive qualities of their local heritage, their community and their environment,” said Michael Starrett, Chief Executive of the Heritage Council. “We hope to build on the wonderful range of projects that have been carried out on a voluntary basis by many communities throughout the country over the past number of years”.

Hundreds of projects have received funding from the Heritage Council over the past number of years. Previous projects include; local heritage projects such as restoring wildlife corridors and creating wildlife gardens; the conservation of historic buildings, railways and monuments, education and awareness raising projects, wildlife conservation, restoration of wetland and bogland, books and publications; conserving Ireland’s oldest orchards, inner city projects and the protection of wildlife including bats, pearl mussels, bees and birds. A number of groups in Kildare have benefited from the Local Heritage Grants Scheme in the past. Sallins Tidy Towns received funding for an Ecological Survey and Newbridge Tidy Towns received funding for natural heritage interpretative panels.

A special fund of €50,000 has been made available to fund projects that will take place during Heritage Week 2007. Funding will be available for outdoor educational activities, neglected aspects of heritage and the promotion of heritage to local communities.

Projects are particularly welcome that aim to engage young people and raise their awareness of heritage. Research carried out by Lansdowne Market Research for the Heritage Council shows that the public interest in protecting and learning more about heritage is growing every year. This year there was record attendance numbers taking part in Heritage Week with over 900 events taking place during the week. This was up from 600 events the previous year. Most of the new events were organised by community and voluntary groups to celebrate and raise awareness of their local heritage.

For further information and application forms:

contact your local Heritage Officer Bridget Loughlin at Kildare County Council Offices, 045 980791 or:

The Heritage Council, Kilkenny by post, phone, fax or by email to

Full details and application forms including a provision to apply online are also available on

October 13, 2006

Halloweenfest Programme 2006


Halloweenfest Logo

Join in the fun this Halloween but, be prepared to meet some witches wizards ghosts and goblins. Create spells and maybe funny smells. You may hear a few eerie cries, and piercing screams, clanging noises and distant howling.

Well it is Halloween!
Contact a participating library and check out the Halloweenfest Programme from Tuesday 31st October to Friday 3rd November. Check out workshops including Storyteller in Residence Julie Duane who has chosen some weird and wacky characters from the pages of her favourite books to share with everyone.

Music, dance, visual art and film workshops will all explore the seasonal themes.
Some of the workshops are suitable for very young children.
The workshops are free of charge. As places are limited, booking is advised.

Lies, Camera, Action -
Facilitator:Mick Fortune
Age Range: 8 -12yrs
Workshop Duration: 3 hours

Do you like fabricating the truth? ……telling stories …. maybe even ….. telling piseogs? oh dear!!! Then ….. Mick Fortune wants YOU to join him in these writing and performance workshops to explore and develop your TALL TALES. Everyone who attends the workshop will develop and tell their own tall tale to camera.
'The Lies Collection' DVD will be launched in December 2006 and will feature various stories as told by children during workshops throughout the year.

Facilitator: Kildare Libraries resident storyteller Julie Duane
Age Range: 3 - 5yrs.
Workshop Duration: 1 hour

Treat yourself and your child to a fun, relaxed participative storytelling session with Julie Duane - Kildare's County Library & Arts Service Storyteller - in - Residence. Guaranteed to be fun, slighty scary for older children and not scary at all for the very young. Halloween Costumes Optional !!!
All workshops are participative, active and include, rhyming, singing and story.

Visual Art
Facilitator: Aimee O'Neill
Age Range: 4 - 6yrs
Workshop Duration: 1 hour

Create a scary mobile to hang in your house and scare all your friends and family. Your mobile will be filled with all sorts of freaky three - dimensional characters from Wanda the Wicked Witch, to Terry the Tarantula, Bertie the Bat etc. Make your mobile as silly or as scary as you dare.

Dance in the MONSTER MASH
Facilitator: Vijaya Bateson
Age Range: 4 to 8 yr. olds
Workshop Duration: 45mins - 1hour

It's the witching season - tell a funny spooooooky story through funky moves and creative movement. Enjoy dancing by transforming an idea into a story! Have deadly fun bending, stretching, sliding, flexing and jumping around the floor making a dance.
Brilliant Fun !!

Jo Jingles
Facilitator: Linda Gahan
Age Range: Toddlers & pre - school children check with your chosen library
Workshop Duration: 45mins

Linda will lead children and adults together in this gentle and fun introduction to music. Explore percussion instruments and enjoy well loved nursery rhymes, action songs and rhythm games with your child.

For further information and booking details please contact the following participating libraries:

Naas Library Tel: 045 879111 Email:
Newbridge Library Tel: 045 436453 Email:
Maynooth Library Tel: 01 6285530 Email:
Celbridge Library Tel: 01 6272207 Email:
Athy Library Tel: 059 86311444 Email:
Rathangan Libray Tel: 045 528078 Email:

October 04, 2006

Save the Bogs Gift Catalogue 2006/2007

Available Now from IPCC

The Save the Bogs Catalogue 2006/07 from the Irish Peatland Conservation Council is the place to shop. Packed full of ideas that will enthral nature lovers everywhere, the catalogue has something for everyone. Everything from household and gardening gifts, books, CDs, videos, cards and stationery.

The proceeds from all sales, through the catalogue and shop, are channelled back into IPCC¹s Save the Bogs Campaign and help to underwrite important bog conservation projects which would not get off the ground without the support of members of the public. For example, in the last year we have conserved two bogs in Kildare and we have opened amenity gardens at the Bog of Allen Nature Centre with funds raised through the catalogue.

The Wild Ireland Calendar is in its seventh edition and contains images, poetry and prose that celebrates Ireland¹s unique wildlife and landscape. This year¹s Christmas card selection includes old favourites like the Winter Robin along with new ones on wildlife and festive themes.

IPCC emphasise Irish crafts in its selection of products. St Bridget¹s
Crosses, brooches and baskets made from rushes, baskets made from willow and decorative ornaments carved out of compressed turf are just some of the features.

We also offer a range of IPCC merchandise promoting our Save the Bogs message. Shopper bags made from unbleached cotton and gummed labels for re-using envelopes are just a few ideas. We also stock the complete range of IPCC¹s publication and resources in the area of peatland conservation and environmental education.

Gardeners wishing to kick the peat habit will want to get their hands on the various peat-free growing media IPCC offers. Based on coconut fibre and neem (a plant-derived natural fertiliser) these products also promote recycling as well as safeguarding the peat that is in our bogs. We also have plenty of resources to get you started on home composting or teach you the fundamentals of wildlife gardening.

Children will be delighted with a present from our collection of singing garden bird toys which has recently been expanded to include nine birds, each with their own authentic bird song when squeezed. Or there are the hand cut wooden jigsaws featuring the map of Ireland, animal alphabet or a number tractor.

Finally if you just don¹t know what to get someone as a gift IPCC has the answer. A symbolic share certificate in a piece of Irish bog can be purchased for as little as _45 (one-sixteenth of an acre) or _720 for a full acre. Funds raised through the sale of these certificates have already enabled IPCC to purchase six bogs to date.

All products featured in the Save the Bogs Catalogue are also on sale in the Nature Shop at the Bog of Allen Nature Centre which is open Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm. There will be a special Saturday opening on 25th November to facilitate Christmas shopping from 12 noon to 4pm.

Please show you care about our bogs by buying from our catalogue or visiting the Nature Shop at the Bog of Allen Nature Centre. A copy of the catalogue can be posted out to you immediately. Just ring Oscar on 045 860133. You can also view the catalogue and order online. Check it out at

Irish Peatland Conservation Council
Bog of Allen Nature Centre, Lullymore, Rathangan, Co. Kildare, Ireland
Tel 045-860133 Fax: 045-860481

Action for Bogs & Wildlife

Large Attendance at KYS Student Grant Info Night

KYS had a full capacity attendance at the recent Student Grant Information night. The evening was aimed at those who are starting third level education this autumn and are applying for the Higher Education Grant.



Stephen Rahilly, Director of the Higher Education Grants Department at Kildare Co. Council gave a very informative, illustrated talk on the process of applying for a Higher Education Grant.

Hilary Ó Cuanacháin, Youth Information Co-ordinator at KYS welcomed everyone to the meeting and congratulated those who had successfully completed the Leaving Certificate and wished them well on the next step of their academic career.

A selection of literature was available on the evening covering issues such as finances as a student and other supports and grants available to students.

KYS would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for coming along and to thank the local media for their support in highlighting this event.

Should anyone have further questions on this or any other topic please contact us at KYS Canal Stores, Basin Street, Naas. Tel 045 897893 Email Text 086 8680002 using the keyword KYS

Kildare Sports Partnership has been launched

Fostering Participation in Sports and Recreation.

The KSP initiative was developed by the Irish Sports Council to enable counties to co-ordinate and promote the development of sport at a local level.

In June 2001 the Irish Sports Council selected Kildare as one of only eight pilot Sports Partnerships in Ireland , soon to be 19, which has a vision of a county where all residents have the opportunity and are encouraged to participate in some form of sport regardless of age, ability, gender, social or economic circumstances.

Anticipated Outcomes of Kildare Sports Partnership:

  • Increased opportunities for children to participate in sport and physical recreation

  • Higher levels of participation in physical recreation by low participation groups

  • Enhanced sport and club development and service

  • Priorities for local facilities provision and upgrading and better use and management of facilities

  • Easier access to info regarding the provision of sport and recreation

  • Improved collaboration between the key agencies and better use of resources

Kildare Student Travelcard - Now available at KYS

Student Travelcard - Cutting the cost of Student Travel

Kildare Youth Services Kildare Youth Services are now agents for the Student Travelcard. The card entitles holders to reductions on Iarnród Eireann, Luas, Dublin Bus and Bus Eireann.

In addition to many discounts in HMV, Vodafone, Topshop/Topman and many others. The Student Travelcard is the official student ID for entrance to GAA matches.

The card is available to second and third level students in full time education. All you need is:

  • College ID (Secure) or application form stamped and signed by your school/college or university.
  • Completed application form (forms available in KYS) – no passport photo required
  • €12 plus €2 photo capture fee.

Once you have completed the application process and had your photo taken in the KYS Youth Information Centre the card will be posted directly to you in two days.

For further information please contact Youth Information Centre, Kildare Youth Services, Canal Stores, Basin Street, Naas, Co. Kildare.

Tel 045 897893 Fax 045 897966 email or text, using the keyword KYS to 086 868 0002


Urgent Need for Foster Carers in County Kildare

The Health Service Executive in County Kildare is looking for families to supply supported lodgings, emergency accommodation and longer foster placements for children and teenagers throughout the county.


Mary Cummins of the HSE’s Family Placement Initiative said that committed families, with an interest in child welfare were required for children of all ages, but particularly teenagers.

Placements can range from an overnight stay to a number of years in some cases.

In recent weeks, the HSE has required foster placements for up to 10 children in a week.

“Children are placed with a foster carer, within their own communities if possible, when their own parents are unable to care for them due to the parents’ personal difficulties,” Ms Cummins explained.

“In other cases, some children may need to be protected where neglect or abuse has taken place or where they may be at risk of neglect or abuse. In the case of teenagers, their relationship with their parents may have broken down as a result of problems within the family,” she added.

Ms Cummins points out that there is a particular need for foster homes for teenagers.

“In our experience, people with very young children can be very successful in looking after teenagers. Teenagers don’t need the same level of parenting as young children, but they do need care and support. Equally people who have raised their own children and brought them through their teens have a wealth of experience to offer or indeed people who have worked with teenagers in different.settings,” she said.

“Teens need a safe place, where their needs will be respected and where boundaries are set. Often they just need time away from their own parents to sort out what has gone wrong with the relationship,”.

Angela, a foster carer for the past 12 years, has looked after many teenagers in her home from periods of one night to, in one case, four years.

“When I started fostering I had very young children of my own, so I thought it would be best to foster a different age group to my own children. It is hugely rewarding work. When you see a young person change from a timid person with low self-esteem to someone who goes on to do their leaving cert and have the confidence to set up on their own it is very satisfying,”

Angela continues to foster teenagers. .

“You can communicate with them, and we have a lot of laughs. Really, they don’t want you to be their mother, but they do prefer to have rules, it shows someone cares about them. Simple things like attending their parent teacher meetings at school really shows them someone is looking out for them.”

The HSE provides a range of supports to foster parents including training, and a weekly allowance to care for the child, which does not affect other welfare payments or income. New foster families are assigned a link social worker to provide help and advice, and a dedicated foster team can be contacted for support. Foster parents are also encouraged to join a fostering support group.

Fostering is open to both singles and couples, those with children and without, and people who work inside or outside of home, as long as they are present in the home when the child is home. People from all religious, ethnic and cultural backgrounds are eligible to work as foster carers.

The HSE run regular information meetings for people interested in fostering. For further details or to register interest, telephone Kildare (045) 896120/896114, or Dublin (01) 620 6350.