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January 31, 2012

Calling ATHY Businesses: Improve Your Service

Athy Athy Customer Service and Ambassador Training Workshop

Tue 21st Feb 2012 @ 9.00am - 1.00pm
: Free
Venue: Clanard Court Hotel, Dublin Road, Athy, Co. Kildare

The training aims to reinvigorate the Irish welcome offered to all visitors and educate the participants about all that Athy has to offer. The overall objective of the training programme is to ensure that tourists visiting Athy experience the best possible service wherever they go in the town, leading to increased repeat visits, positive word of mouth and recommendations.

The workshop will be great fun and very practical. It will give you useful tools to deliver the best possible customer experience with wonderful, friendly service.

Key topics include:

  • To identify and learn about all that Athy has to offer so that you can articulate with confidence to residents and visitors what makes the town and surrounding area special.
  • To provide all visitors with a warm and friendly welcome with a true focus on the customer, giving them compelling reasons to stay longer and to revisit.
  • To network and share ideas with other ambassadors and build on synergies.
  • To represent their business at future events

Places are limited so please e-mail confirmation of your attendance (and any additional members of staff from your business) to . If you have questions call Patricia Berry or Helen Dowling. 086 8470232.

Participation is Free

Exports on the rise in Kildare

North Kildare Chamber International trade figures released this week by North Kildare Chamber show a sizeable increase in exports by local companies in 2011. The jump of 29% follows a significant rise in exports in 2010.

“Last year was a very strong year for exporters in North Kildare.  We worked with companies of all sizes throughout the year to facilitate exports outside of the European Union.  I am delighted that we will be presenting a strong set of figures from North Kildare Chamber to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade” said Chamber CEO Allan Shine.

North Kildare Chamber processes trade documentation for companies throughout County Kildare seeking to export outside of the EU.  In the past year they say that the range of products being exported has increased.   Since May of 2011 the Chamber has enabled exporting companies to certify trade documentation online through an Irish designed software system.

The Chamber also carried out free training for companies in the area on the new system;  "The new online system has been a success because of its ability to streamline the documentation process.  The main advantage with this system is the ease of use and the fact that certificates of origin can be processed straightaway,” Shine concluded.

January 30, 2012

Castletown House Re-opening Friday 16th March

The Batty Langley Lodge Castletown House and the West Wing Restaurant, Celbridge, will re-open on Friday 16th March for the 2012 season.

The visitor reception will be open between 10am and 5pm Tuesday to Sunday and Bank Holiday Mondays.

Please check out our Facebook and Twitter pages for news and images of recent events.

Find us on Facebook: Castletown House & Parklands

Follow us on Twitter: @opwcastletown

Hop To It – Join the 2012 Irish Frog Watch

rana temporaria To mark World Wetlands Day on the 2nd February the Irish Peatland Conservation Council are launching their annual 'Hop To It Frog Survey'.  The survey of the Common Frog (Rana temporaria) is looking for information on their distribution and habitat preferences in every county in Ireland. Members of the public are asked to send in sightings of frog spawn, tadpoles, froglets and adult frogs. One of the best places to begin your frog watch is in the garden pond. This man-made habitat will probably become increasingly important in future years, as the natural and wild habitats of the frog are lost to drainage and development. February and March are the peak times for frog spawning; although spawning in the south of Ireland may occur in January if the temperature is warm enough. It is essential to monitor frogs as they are barometers of environmental health and much loved creatures of wetlands. You can check out where frogs have been found in your county and get a survey card at So, Hop To It and record the frogs in your area.

 Since the first Hop To It frog survey in 1997, the IPCC has received over 4200 records. Although frogs are in decline worldwide, due to factors such as habitat destruction, pollution and infectious disease, the results of the survey to date show that the Common Frog is widespread throughout the island of Ireland with 40% of records occurring in garden ponds. Areas poorly represented in previous frog surveys include the six counties of Northern Ireland, Laois, Carlow and Leitrim. Therefore, we would especially welcome records from these locations.

 We would be delighted if people who sent us records from previous years continued to send us information regarding frog sightings and we would also welcome new participants to this annual survey. If you see any stage of the frog life cycle, please take part in the frog survey by filling out a survey card and returning it to IPCC. “The survey cards are easy to fill out so don’t worry if you are not a herpetologist!”. For those who wish to take part, survey cards are available at or they can be obtained directly from, IPCC, Bog of Allen Nature Centre, Lullymore, Rathangan, Co. Kildare, Tel 045-860133.

58% reduction in Naas trolleys a huge improvement

Anthony Lawlor Fine Gael TD for Kildare North, Anthony Lawlor, has said that the number of people waiting on trolleys in Naas General Hospital has been reduced by 58%, thanks to initiatives undertaken by the Special Delivery Unit (SDU) over the winter months.

“Between January 3rd and 25th of this year, there was a total of 178 people waiting on trolleys at Naas General Hospital, which is a significant drop of 58% compared to the figures for the same period last year, which saw 425 people waiting on trolleys.

“While having 178 people waiting on trolleys over a three week period is still too many, a decrease of 58 per cent on last year means we are moving in the right direction. The SDU, which was established by Minister James Reilly last June, is producing tangible improvements in how hospitals provide care and manage the inflow of patients, particularly at peak times of year. It is providing tailored guidance to hospitals on how to cope with, and reduce, overcrowding in emergency departments.

“The work of the SDU is being carried out in the context of a severely restricted Budgetary situation. But these figures show that radical reform can be delivered in a very challenging environment. These encouraging local figures have been replicated at a national level; the total number of people waiting on trolleys in hospitals across the country for the first 16 days of January 2012 was 27% lower than the same period last year.

“Further progress is being made when it comes to scheduled care. Ninety-five per cent of hospitals have met the target of ensuring no patient is waiting more than 12 months for elective surgery. This accounts for 41 hospitals; the figure for 2010 was just 28 hospitals.

“The success of the SDU to date will be further built on over the coming year, with more ambitious targets than before. It will aim to ensure that 95% of patients will be discharged or admitted within six hours of registration at an emergency department. We also want to ensure no one is waiting more than nine months for planned surgery and further targets will be set to improve access to outpatient and diagnostic services.

“I’d like to thank the hospital management and staff of Naas General Hospital for their tremendous hard work and dedication over the last 12 months which delivered such impressive results. It is important that we continue to work together and further improve on these figures.”

January 24, 2012

Cinematic Spectacles, Powerful Performances & Comedic Talents

riverbank arts centre All at Riverbank this month!

This season at Riverbank Arts Centre we want to ensure you have the opportunity to catch even more great shows and get value for money at the same time.
Coming up we have a weekend of cinematic spectacles by legendary documentary filmmaker, Werner Herzog that will enthral and inspire. The three screenings will run over two days, January 27th & 28th and include Cave of Forgotten Dreams, The Wild Blue Yonder and Encounters at the End of the World.
Peter Sheridan presents a powerful coming-of-age story in 47 Roses on Thursday,February 2nd that is both funny and touching. It’s an opportunity not to be missed as Peter will be taking part in a Q&A session following the performance. If you book for this show plus the upcoming Bag Lady on Thursday, March 29th you can avail of the Theatre Tantalisers ticket bundle of €22.
Two of Ireland’s brightest comedic talents in the shape of Eric Lalor and Gearoid Farrelly bring The Chalk & Cheese Tour to the stage on Friday, February 3rd. Heralded as the next big things in Irish comedy, this is your chance to see two headliners for the price of one. If that’s not incentive enough we have a fantastic ticket bundle option; purchase a ticket for this show and Wheelchair on my Face, Saturday March 3rd for the price of €20.
Plus we are introducing a Fiver Friday Special for this particular show. This will allow you to purchase a ticket for €5 for a selected show for one day only. Tickets for The Chalk & Cheese Tour will be available for purchase on Friday the 27th January from 10am until midnight. You can book online at or at our box office on 045 448327
Mary Coughlan is one of Ireland’s most prolific and talented singer songwriters and 2010 saw the 25th anniversary of her seminal album ‘Tired & Emotional’. She will take to the stage alongside her band on Saturday February 4th to perform in her own unique and inimitable style.
Beckett X 3 2012 is a collection of three short plays based on the work of Samuel Beckett in which his unmistakeable humour is present throughout. Avail of the Beckett Bonus ticket bundle and catch the Gare St Lazare Player’s production of The End by Samuel Beckett for only €24.
In addition to the Werner Herzog weekend we have an array of incredible movies being screened at our cinema kicking off tonight with Melancholia next Monday night. Other gems coming up include Arctic Tale, The Salt of Life and Weekend.
With midterm fast approaching take a look at some of the events we have to keep the kids entertained. There are an array of workshops and cinema screenings scheduled for the week of February 13th - February 18th.

For more information visit

January 23, 2012

Kildare Couple Launch New Online Jewellery Store Some would say that you would be mad to start a business during a recession, but one Kildare couple has decided to take the plunge. Husband & wife team Kevin & Ellen Myles have recently launched a brand new Irish online costume jewellery & fashion accessory business

Kevin, a stay at home Dad, was looking for an employment opportunity that would allow him continue to remain at home to look after the couple's 3 children. An Online venture seemed to be the obvious solution and following extensive research the couple decided that jewellery was the route to follow.

As Ellen says “Jewellery is considered a luxury, but funnily enough, it is often felt to be a necessity. This may seem crazy logic, but without that ‘finishing touch’ we feel incomplete, like wearing full make up but no lipstick. Jewellery is an expression of our confidence and feelings. That is why we wear jewellery, why we buy jewellery, and why we won’t stop!”

The Well Dress My Soul mission is to provide beautiful, vibrant, unusual and on trend pieces that will lift the soul! The couple believes that while clothes lift the body beautiful jewellery & accessories can lift the soul. Furthermore the couple feels that beauty and quality should not mean a visit to the bank manager, so they work hard to keep their costs down so that they can provide quality pieces at affordable prices. The couple's other priority is to constantly update the collection ensuring that they continue to hold the most on trend fashion pieces and provide real variety & choice to their customers.

The full range of products can be seen on . The site is very easy to navigate with easy ordering and free shipping within Ireland.

For those who prefer to try before they buy the company also run jewellery parties, allowing customers to shop in the comfort of their own homes, without the usual hassles. As an extra bonus the hostess receives 10% Commission on any sales during the party.

For more information contact

Well Dress My Soul
Co Kildare
046 9551696

January 18, 2012

Catherine Murphy joins Independent TDs in meeting with Troika

Catherine Murphy Kildare Independent TD Catherine Murphy today joined with other TDs from the Technical Group in a meeting with representatives from the IMF, the European Central Bank and the European Commission. In discussion were the conditions of Ireland’s bailout programme, the prospects for national recovery and jobs and the sustainability of the debt Ireland will incur by the end of the programme.

“In what I would term a very constructive meeting, the representatives of the Troika answered in full the many questions members of the Technical Group had prepared. What became apparent is that the adjustment being undertaken by Ireland, while by nature is of course harsh, need not necessarily be as proscriptive as is commonly repeated by the Government parties – provided alternatives are serious evidence-based proposals.

“This is the first of several planned meetings between Opposition deputies and the Troika representatives and I plan on continuing to pursue serious alternatives with the Government – in particular with regard to Public Service Reform. It’s clear that nuanced reform which delivers efficiencies, and not just blunt cutbacks, can and must be pursued."

January 17, 2012

County Kildare Archaeological Society Research Grants

County Kildare Archaeological Society
These grants have been made available by the Society to further archaeological and historical research relating to the county of Kildare.

Applications are invited from members of the Society in good standing, and students in third level institutions in Ireland, for individual grant applications to a maximum of  €1,000 towards suitable projects in categories of


For further conditions and application forms, please see or write to The Honorary Secretary, County Kildare Archaeological Society, Newington House, Christianstown, Newbridge, Co. Kildare.

Applications for the Grant, clearly typed on official forms, must be received in hard copy by the Honorary Secretary by 4pm on 15th March.

The decision of the Society in every case will be final.

January 13, 2012

Free Professional Business Portraits for Job Seekers

County Kildare based 'Momento Photographic Studio' is offering free business headshot portraits for Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or other networking purposes to those who are unemployed or new to the jobs market.

Free Business Profile Portraits Getting back to work if you have been made redundant or laid off can be a daunting prospect at the moment, with the market flooded with qualified candidates. Local business owner and photographer Nuria Canestro Pallas is aiming to make the task a bit easier by offering free business portraits to the unemployed to help members of the local community develop their online appearance and improve their job prospects.

'With the current job market so competitive, many employers are now looking at social media networks as an extension to job applicant's CVs, and the problem is most people don't have a professionally composed portrait. Searching for a job today often involves social media sites like Linkedin and Facebook for networking with potential employers. In order to make a good impression you probably want to use a decent professional headshot for your profile photo.

Nuria will photograph clients at her studio near Kildare Village who can then download their portraits for free. Their headshots can be used on CVs, Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites.  “A good picture can have an impact on people searching for work. People get so many first impressions from what they see online. We're a local business and we want to give back to our local community. I think that everyone should have an equal opportunity to compete for an open position, If a simple headshot is going to do that then everyone should have the chance to get one done.”

Those interested in free professional headshots can visit to book their place. Shoots will take place initially on January 27th and February 10th and bookings will be taken on a first come first served basis.

January 12, 2012

Lunchtime Yoga Classes in Maynooth and Kilcock

Beginning Jan 2012: Lunchtime yoga classes in Maynooth and Kilcock towns

yoga Beat the midday slump with an hour of flowing hatha yoga from 1.05-1.55pm in:

  • Durga yoga studio, Maynooth, on Wednesdays or
  • The Wellness Centre, Kilcock on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Drop in any time for just €10, or book a block of 6 classes for €50.

For more info: Call Emma 087 6727873



January 11, 2012

WINSENT Training Opportunities Available

WINSENT WINSENT (Wales Ireland Network for Social Entrepreneurship) is an innovative and ambitious project which aims to promote and support Social Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise in Dublin, Kildare and Meath and in North Wales.

In Kildare, WINSENT is based in the Athy Community Enterprise Centre but serves the whole county.

Currently we are organising different training opportunities for Social Enterprises and Community and Voluntary Organisations.

If you have a good business sense, a commitment to change and a strong sense of social good your community needs you and you need WINSENT.

Please contact Project Development Officer Aisling Duffy on 087-6522422 or




January 09, 2012

Kildare Entrepreneurial Awards offers €5,000 cash prize

Entrepreneurial Business Awards The Kildare Entrepreneurial Business Awards are accepting entries until February 18th, 2012

The Entrepreneurial Business Awards was founded by a group of Irish Entrepreneurs who realised the need to recognise and promote the contributions of small to medium sized companies within the country. The  Awards give sponsors, applicants and committee members the opportunity to promote their business at a Local and National Level.

The inaugural Entrepreneurial Business Awards were held in Kildare in early 2011. The winners came from a diverse range of enterprises; from transition year students to software developers to food suppliers to charities.

For further informatiom contact or call 045-844 222


Adult Swimming Lessons in Athy and Naas


K-Leisure Athy Adult Swimming Lessons

6 Week Course starting on January the 16th:

  • Monday – Beginners at 7.00pm
  • Tuesday – Improvers at 7.00pm
  • Wednesday – Beginners at 7.00pm

Naas Adult Swimming Lessons

6  Week Course Begins 16th January – 1st March 2012:

  • Monday – Beginners at 10.00am
  • Tuesday – Improvers / Advanced at 7.15pm
  • Wednesday – Beginners at 8.15pm
  • Thursday – Improvers at 7.15pm

Pilates and Yoga Courses at Kildare Leisure

K-Leisure Pilates in K Leisure Naas

  • Pilates 7 Week Course Begins 18th January 2012.
  • Pilates 7 Week Course Begins 14th March 2012.
  • Pilates 6 Week Course Begins 16th May 2012.

Yoga in K Leisure Naas

  • 6 Week course begins on 17th January 2012. This class will be held every Tuesday at 8.30pm – 10.00pm.
  • 6 Week course begins on 13th March 2012. This class will be held every Tuesday at 8.30pm – 10.00pm.

For information on how to book please call K-Leisure Naas on 045 – 881655


Yoga in K Leisure Athy

6 Week Course begins on Friday 20th January 2012. The class will be held every Friday at 8.30pm – 10.00pm. (Provisional date)

Pilates in K Leisure Athy

  • Pilates 6 Week Course Begins 20th January 2012.
  • Pilates 6 Week Course Begins 15th March 2011.
  • Pilates 6 Week Course Begins 10th May 2011.

For information on how to book please call K-Leisure Athy on 059 – 8641522

January 05, 2012

Daly welcomes response from HSE about St Vincent’s Hospital

Richard DalyRichard Daly, Fine Gael County Councillor and Cathaoirleach of Athy Town Council, has welcomed a response from the HSE in relation to the future direction of St Vincent’s Hospital in Athy. Following requests from Athy Town Council, Athy Area Committee and Kildare County Council a response has been received from HSE Area Manager David Walsh

“I am glad that there has been clarity given on the HSE ‘s intentions regarding our local hospital. In his letter to Kildare County Council Mr Walsh has confirmed the security of 120 beds in St. Vincent’s with another 6 beds being converted for rehabilitation for early discharge patients from Naas Hospital.

Mr Walsh further confirms the expansion of the dementia service and while there may be some movement within the hospital no patient will have to leave the hospital. In relation to staff there may be some redeployment across the hospital but no staff will lose their jobs.

These confirmations from the HSE must be welcomed by staff, patients and their families and those who have been campaigning for the secure future of the hospital.

While we must always be vigilant in protecting this vital service in our community, the immediate future of St. Vincent’s Hospital must be seen as secure.

I hope this gives comfort to the many patients who have been worried about their future” said Cllr Daly.

January 03, 2012

Irish Newspaper Archive Now Available in County Libraries

The Irish Newspaper Archive - the world's largest online database of Irish Newspapers, is now available in the County Kildare Library Branches listed below.

Search, retrieve and view Ireland's past exactly as it was originally published. With many of Ireland's leading national, regional and out of print titles, this website is a wonderful resource for novice historians and academic institutes.

The archive ranges from the 1700's to present - it takes in many of the seminal moments in the development of New World countries such as Australia, Canada and the United States, to name but a few.

The national newspapers give a unique perspective on national and international events through the Irish news press, whilst the local titles are a wonderful resource for all those interested in genealogical research and local history investigations.

This database is only available in the specified branches and is not available from home as library members.

Irish Newspaper Archive

