Special Interest Group - Women - Meeting Report

31st May 2007

Colette Newman, the Co. Kildare Community & Voluntary Forum’s representative for Women throughout the county opened the well attended meeting held in the Education Centre Friary Rd, Kildare Town.

Anne Moriarty, Sexual Health Advisor who gave a presentation on safe sex and frightening statistics of the increase in Sexually Transmitted Infections in Ireland

Kevin Kelly from Kildare Network Community let groups know that as non-profit organisations they can avail of the www.kildare.ie website host for as little as €50 set up fee. 

Colette informed groups that by registering with the Co. Kildare Community & Voluntary Forum, they can avail of cheaper than normal Public Liability insurance with BHP Insurance Brokers (of Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance).  As the Forum’s national body; the Irish National Community & Voluntary Forum secured an excellent insurance package tailored to the needs of voluntary and community groups. 

Scheduling of meetings, Mental Health facilities and the importance of Community Centres were other topics that come up for discussion during the evening.

Planning was an issue that generated debate, with no consideration being given to the needs of the local community at planning level or when developers moved into an area.  It was felt that social/recreational development should be taken into account alongside residential development.

It was pointed out that there was no Community Centre in either Naas, the main county town or Athy.  There was a centre in Naas which was closed down, which 20 groups used for one reason or other, Parents and Toddlers, AA, No Name club, Flower arranging etc. and now there’s nowhere for these groups to interact and meet up with each other and link with other groups which is vital for the survival of the community spirit.  The need for a Community Centre is absolutely necessary for Social Inclusion as it is the hub/heart and meeting place to sustain life, both rural and urban.


Colette will raise these issues at the executive’s next meeting.  She thanked everyone for taking the time to attend and get involved, the next meeting will be on Culture and encouraged everyone to go back to their groups and communities and let them know what’s available and urge them to attend the next workshop.


The evening concluded with music and poetry courtesy

of Petra Lexova, Antonin Prihoda, Herbert Lodge and Mary Pearson, Naas.


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Tel: 045 - 980528 Fax: 045 - 980520
email: bvhiggins@kildarecoco.ie