b'Key Performance Indicators The following Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)No of infrastructure. buildings, communicationcan be used to guide the Climate Action Team in theequipment, built heritage sites etc identified as development of KPIs in line with Action 4 of Goal 1.vulnerable to climate change impacts / risk KPIs cannot be definitely prescriptive at this stagethrough the carrying out of risk vulnerability where baseline information is required to be explored.assessments by KCC.New KPIs can be included as is considered necessary and this will be tracked to the progress reporting. KPIsNo. of policies/standards explicitly addressingsuggested include:climatechange and resilience(adaptation and mitigation)in CDP measured against adaptationNo of actions completed according to timeframestrategy, NPF, RSES and CAP. short/medium/long term No. and outcome of strategic partnerships with No. of meetings convened by the CAT - target 4 p/a. other key stakeholders (LEADER, sectors, SEAI,OPW,EPA)No of dedicated staff with responsibility for driving climate related activity across the council.No. and outcome of strategic partnerships with other key stakeholders (LEADER, sectors, SEAI, No. of plans/programmes, strategies and policiesOPW,EPA)that have integrated/mainstreamed climate change considerations or climate proofed (upon their No. of emergency services call outs/responsesreview)during/after extreme weather events where classified as an extreme event and reports on costs No. of tenders issued informed by Green(staff, equipment etc) and impacts (disruption, Procurement guidelines as a percentage of over damage done etc) has been completed. all tenders annually. Target to be set and to increase annually.No. of communities identified as being vulnerableto impacts of climate change with works/No.of service areas reporting on extremeawareness programmes undertaken to build and weather events including breakdown of impactsdevelop resilience. on service delivery, staff resources and financialresources. Monitor the baseline setting targets to Percentage of vulnerable/at risk roads in countyincrease annually until maximum required is targeted annual decrease achieved followed by annual review to maintain level. Percentage of newly created SECs as a total of all SECs receiving assistance or partnering withNo. of sections with budget allocation/KCCcontingency for dealing with climate change impacts (reducing risk /vulnerability / disruptionNo. of climate change related pilot/projects to operations / services).commenced/undertaken (2019 baseline)- aim to increase this annually over the timeframeNo. of climate change related training modules/ of the strategy. programmes attended/undertaken by staff members, elected members and communitiesUptake on measures to enhance natural (including CARO training,Nationaland Regional environment, No. of trees planted, areas designated events, National Dialogue).under the Pollinator Plan, integration/enhancementof soft landscaping into council No. of awareness campaigns organised by KCC for driven development schemes from a defined 2019stakeholders including local communities,baseline. Set a defined target to achieve overbusiness communities, housing tenants, PPN,timeframe of the Strategy.Tidy Towns, green schools etc. No. and amount of climate action funding applications sought/approved92'