

June 21, 2005

Concert at Kildare January 1901

An article appeared in the Leinster Leader for the 26 January 1901 describing a concert held in the Town Hall

Leinster Leader 26/1/1901



A most entertaining concert was given on Monday last by the boys of the above schools. The Town Hall was very artistically decorated for the occasion. Among those present were the Right Rev. Mons. Murphy V.G., under whose patronage it was held; Rev. Father O’Reilly, Prior of the Carmelite Convent; Rev. Bro. Anthony, Provincial of the Order, and Rev. Bro. James, Superior, Bagnalstown. The reserved seats, the back and all other available space were well filled. The Pianist, Mr. P.J. Sage, Dublin, is entitled to special praise as he contributed largely to make the concert all that could be desired, even by the most fastidious. In general all the boys went through their different parts creditably. Master Michael Doran’s recital of “Brian Boru’s Address” elicited loud applause. As chairman of the “Anti-Nonsense Club” Master Michael Jones deserves to be congratulated. In the two dialogues “The Music Lessons” and the “Rival Politicians” in which Master John Ryan took part he showed his talents to the very best advantage. “The Priest’s Leap” recited by Master Jas. Mullally was exceedingly well received. Very fine likewise was his singing of “Chiming Bells of long ago.” Master John Mullally’s rendering of “We’ll all go a-hunting today” was warmly received. Masters P. Hoogins and J. Woods delivered a Prologue in fine style. The Fourth Standard boys sang “My Land” and “There’s Music in the Air” in excellent time and tune. Three of the chief choruses, “Let Erin Remember,” “The harp that once” and “Happy Land, thy lengthening Story were sung by the boys of the higher standards with great spirit and effect, showing that they were carefully prepared by teachers that were competent to do the work expected from them. Judging from the applause and the impressions made on the people the entertainment proved to be a complete success no matter in what light it might be viewed. The boys did all that could reasonably be expected from them, and certainly this account would lack a most important feature if the good Brothers, that spent so much time and pains preparing the pupil to amuse and entertain their parents and townsfolk were forgotten. If “Honour where honour is due” is a true motto, then the highest eulogium should be given to the Christian Brothers. We hope that entertainments of this nature will be more frequent in Kildare, for they cannot fail to do immense good whether viewed as a means of developing the social and moral qualities of the children, or as a means of imparting pleasing impressions that should be cherished.

Posted by mariocorrigan at June 21, 2005 01:47 PM