
Community Education

History The Community Education Service has been growing steadily since it began in 1994 on a part time basis. It was established on a full time basis in 1998 with the employment of a Community Education Worker. In 2001 the Department of...


The Community Education Service has been growing steadily since it began in 1994 on a part time basis. It was established on a full time basis in 1998 with the employment of a Community Education Worker. In 2001 the Department of Education and Science (DES) sanctioned a Community Education post for each VEC and the Community Education Facilitator’s were appointed. The Back to Education Initiative (BTEI) began in 2002 and is located within the Community Education Service. In 2003 a Community Education Outreach Worker position was introduced. Community Education is based in the Naas Adult Basic and Community Education Centre and provides a countywide service.

What is Community Education?

Community education is an approach to education that:

  • Is person centered
  • Promotes personal and community participation
  • Fosters social change through active citizenship and critical thinking
  • Is in and of the community
  • Is flexible, informal and fun

We work to support  individuals and communities to meet their needs in achieving equality and social change.

  1. Support target groups in their development and progression
  2. Provide support to groups in the development of their programmes
  3. Support  and develop a team of Community Education and BTEI tutors
  4. Develop an effective and inclusive management system
  5. Network  with other agencies
Who is Involved?

Locally based women's groups, community education groups and networks, Community Development Projects (CDP's), family agencies, asylum seeker and refugee projects, Traveller projects, community arts projects, Lifestart and local interest groups among others.

Why Get Involved?

The right to education is a fundamental social right for everyone. For many adults their school experience was a negative one and prevented them completing their education. A community education programme can be the first point of re-entry into education. One of the reasons adults are attracted to community education is that it is a completely different way of learning. It is more enjoyable and informal. It is based on the identified needs of the participants. The participants have a say in the venue, tutor and content of the course.
Initially adults may return to education for the social benefits and enjoyment that education can bring. They may return to education to improve their skills and qualifications in the employment market. All these reasons are equally valid. Adult and community education is concerned with addressing learning in a holistic way to benefit all aspects of our lives.

What is possible?

Community Education courses are generally an initial step back to education and range from stand alone sessions up to 12 week courses. The Back to Education Initiative goes a step further and offers accreditation under the FETAC system. These courses range from a single 30 hour module to a full Level 5 award.

In all cases it is the needs of the community that dictate what and how each course is run. If you have a project in mind we would be happy to discuss it with you.

Posted by kevinkelly at March 11, 2005 05:14 PM
