'Fix paths before injury happens' - Dukes

MONASTEREVIN, 9 May 2002: by Bill Trapman. A strong and urgent plea to Kildare County Council regarding the extremely dangerous condition of the footpaths throughout St Evin's Park in Monasterevin has been made by Deputy Alan Dukes.

"While the footpaths have been in need of repair for some time, their condition has now deteriorated deplorably and the need for repairs has become dangerously urgent, as the surfaces are extremely uneven and a hazard to the elderly, the disabled and young children alike," he said. "It is imperative that action is taken before somebody is badly injured in a fall".

Deputy Dukes has also called on the Council to provide car-parking bays in the green area on the western side of St Evin's Park. "There is now a pressing need for car-parking bays at this point, since on-street parking makes it impossible for emergency vehicles to gain access to the two western cul-de-sacs, especially at night," he said.


Alan Dukes.