Put people first - Walsh (May 10)

There has been a call today on all the political parties to declare their support for a Minister of State with responsibility for Community Development in the next government .

Speaking in Maynooth Cllr Kate Walsh observed that , "The well being of community is a critical part of ensuring quality of life in our society. Increasingly, the pressures of modern living, the demands of the workplace and the breakdown in traditional values are placing strains on the sustainability of community. People have less time to share in leisure, in giving to those least fortunate, in building strong bonds within housing estates, neighbourhoods, villages and towns."

"I am committed to the building of strong communities, communities which take responsibility for their development, communities which care for those most vulnerable in our society" states Kate Walsh , "and I am calling on all parties to declare their support for a Minister of State responsible for Community Development in the next government."

As a member of the Progressive Democrats Kate will ensure that such a Minister would :

&Mac183; Provide support to the organizations and structures that serve communities
&Mac183; Facilitate the development of shared values and understanding within communities
&Mac183; Delivering services of the state through properly resourced and empowered community organizations and structures
&Mac183; Ensuring the viability of communities through the strengthening of infrastructure that reduces the pressure on individuals’ time, strengthens health, reduces disadvantage and isolation.
&Mac183; Ensure community viability by developing jobs and opportunities in the local economy.

"It’s time to change our priorities and ensure that people’s needs are met".