Filling of bog angers residents

CELBRIDGE, 3 February 2002: by Bill Trapman. The filling of Kilwogan Bog in Celbridge has recommenced, angering local people with concerns for the environment.

Local representations towards the end last year succeeded in getting the filling of this ecological sensitive area stopped but this now turns out to have been only a temporary measure and not, as was thought, a permanent state.

“Kildare County Council engineers stated that the work was only temporarily stopped until a hydrologist report was compiled,” says Cllr Geraldine Conway, who will be raising the matter at the next Celbridge Area Committee meeting on the 15th February. “This report came back last week to the satisfaction of Kildare County Council who now state that the filling can continue for another three months.”
Cllr Conway says that apart from the damage to a fragile environment, there are long term implications of flooding on the Oldtown road.
