Dangerous cross lights welcomed

STRAFFAN, 8 February 2002: by Trish Whelan. Lights at Ovidstown Cross in Straffan have been put in place after a long campaign by local residents and public representatives.

Problems at the junction were particularly evident in winter, as people waited at the bus stop in total darkness and parents waited with their children in their cars because it was so dark and approaching traffic could not see them.

“The need for lighting in rural areas is increasing, as the volume and speed of traffic increases the danger to residents and commuters alike,” says local councillor Geraldine Conway. “In fact, all junctions on the Clane - Celbridge road should have proper lighting and to a high standard, in a similar manner to Barberstown Cross.

“This road has the volume of traffic consistent with a Regional road and it should have the same funding and standards as them. It can no longer be treated as a rural road as there has been too many fatalities and serious accidents for this to continue.”

Cllr Conway has called for proper road surface, hard shoulders, proper marking, lighting and a grass verge.
