Maynooth plans rejected

04 April 2003: Kildare County Council has rejected a planning application for the building of 3- and 4-storey blocks of apartments on the former Pitch & Putt course on Dunboyne Road, Maynooth.

In rejecting the application the Council indicated that the proposal by virtue of its scale, mass and height would detract from the visual and amenity value of Maynooth. The Council further stated that the architectural style proposed was considered inappropriate and that the proposal would be visually obtrusive and out of character in Maynooth Village.

In relation to density and building heights the Council rejected the application as it would materially contravene the provisions of the Maynooth Development Plan 2002.

Local representative Cllr John McGinley welcomed the rejection, saying it would have been visually obtrusive from Pound Park and would have caused a major problem for residents bordering the site. "The Leinster Cottages area which was built 200 years ago would have been destroyed if this monstrosity was allowed to proceed," he added.

Deputy Emmet Stagg stated that he hoped the developers would not appeal this decision to An Bord Pleanala but would instead sit down with the residents of the area to see if a proposal can be drawn up which would satisfy everybody concerned.

Story by
Brian Byrne

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