Planning appeal rejected

25 April 2003: An Bord Pleanala has rejected the appeal by Glenmoy Developments Limited for 128 two-bedroomed apartments in two- and three-storey buildings at Dillon's Row, Maynooth, on lands formerly known as the Nun's Field. The decision by An Bord Pleanala follows on from the original rejection of planning permission by Kildare Co Council last November.

The Bord viewed this development as excessive in scale and substandard given that the proposal was for 32 units per acre. It was also deemed as overdevelopment of the site which would reduce the amenities of existing residents living along Dillon's Row/Dunboyne Road.

The rejection also listed the overlooking of the senior citizens bungalows at Nagle Court as a reason for refusal.

The decision was welcomed by Cllr John McGinley and Deputy Emmet Stagg. who stated that it was now time for the developers to sit down with the residents of the area to agree on the type of development which would be suitable on the site in question.

Story by
Brian Byrne

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