b'Following adoption of budgets in Q4 annually,Continuous monitoring and reportingearly in Q1 of the next year the Council prepareIn addition to the process outlined above, aAnnual Service Delivery Plans and Schedules ofvast range of reports are publicly available to Municipal District Works for the next 12 months.demonstrate delivery. This is in effect aThis initiates organisation-wide appraisal, supplementary public performance matrix.capacity/risk assessment and goal setting, The requirement to publicly report in this manner in the form of the PMDS process.is:Commencing with the Management Teamagreeing their plan for the next year, this filtersA governance measure enhancing down to each Department, Section and individualaccountability and commitment of the entiremeeting with their teams to review performance,organisation to the Planrisks, and dependencies and to set targets for the next 12 months.A measure ensuring availability of data toManagement to measure performance and High level goals in each team or personal plan aredrive deliveryindexed with reference to a supporting strategyin the Corporate Plan to ensure clear linkage A measure supporting greater transparencybetween individual performance and overall around activitiesstrategy. Formal quarterly team meetingsmaintain focus on corporate objectives and driveperformance. They also determine corrective action such as re-prioritisation or reallocation of resources. What is it?Where is it? How oftenChief Executive Report Published online following Council meetingMonthlyMunicipal District At each Municipal District meetingProgress Report (public meeting)Monthly National Performance NOAC websiteAnnualIndicator Report Annual Service Delivery Plans Published online following Annualadoption by CouncilAnnual Budget Online following adoption Annualduring Q4Schedule of municipal works Online at adoption of budget Annual Annual Report Online following adoption, Annualusually during Q2/3NOAC review of Corporate NOAC websiteDuring plan lifetimePlan adequacy47'