b'Appendix 4Baseline MetricsFunctional Corporate Plan PerformanceArea Goals4.4 To facilitate the provision of To promote access to community-based Community recreation, sports and open spacesports and recreational opportunitiesServices facilities in the County and educate and build the capacity of the entireTo seek the delivery of physical andcommunity to participate in healthiercommunity infrastructure in conjunction lifestyles with high quality residential developmentsto create quality living conditions4.4 To facilitate the provision of To support the development andrecreation, sports and open spaceenhancement of local sports, leisure,facilities in the County and educaterecreational and arts facilitiesand build the capacity of the entire community to participate in healthier lifestyles1.7 Continue to improve and maintainTo enhance and develop the appearancethe appearance of our County with theand environment of Kildarecooperation of our communities. 1.1 To protect, conserve and promoteTo protect and maintain the naturalour Countys natural and built heritageenvironment of Kildare and change& identify and support biodiversity formanagement of amenity & recreation areas the benefit of our policies, people andto mitigate and adapt to climate change and our environment.benefit biodiversity, subject to funding and resources4.3 Continue to support the activeTo lead and support the Kildare Ageinclusion of people through the Friendly County Programme (and act as delivery of Age Friendly Programmesregional lead for South East region) which is in partnership with the National being developed and overseen by the Kildare Shared Services Centre Age Friendly Alliance supported by Age Friendly Ireland60'