Mondello Park Car Track Day

The new Mondello Park Car Track Day format will have its second airing on the June 1st Open Day.

Mondello ParkNaas

Event Details

  • Mon 1 Jun  2009

  • Venue Details
    Mondello Park


The new format sees an open pit lane used for all bar the first run of the morning and afternoon sessions. The initial run for all drivers is split into two groups after which drivers are free to come and go as they please. This format provides more track time for all drivers, particularly those sharing the one car, and therefore represents better value for money.

Due to the open pit lane, the number of spaces available has been reduced, making advance booking essential in order to avoid disappointment. New track day participants are always welcome and all new intending drivers must register themselves and their cars with Mondello Park prior to booking.

Prices for the new format remain the same at: Morning €150.00 - Afternoon €200.00 - Full Day €300.00.

To book or register contact Jenny on 045-860200 or

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