The History Boys

Presented by the Silken Thomas Players.

Riverbank Arts CentreNewbridge

Event Details

  • Sun 28 Feb - Mon 1 Mar  2010
  • 8.00pm

  • Cost: €12/10

  • Venue Details
    Riverbank Arts Centre

    Main St.

An unruly bunch of bright, funny sixth-form boys in pursuit of sex, sport and a place at university. A maverick English teacher at odds with the young and shrewd supply teacher. A Headmaster obsessed with results, a History teacher who thinks he’s a fool.

In Alan Bennett’s new play, staff-room rivalry and the anarchy of adolescence provoke insistent questions about history and how you teach it, about education and its purpose.

Brilliantly funny, with several show stopping vignettes and lines that will be quoted for years to come.

About Silken Thomas Players
Celebrating their 20th anniversary this year, Silken Thomas are a group at the cutting edge of amateur Theatre. Hailing from Kildare the group is best known for controversial plays such as Bent, Trainspotting, The Normal Heart (2007 All Ireland winner) and Equus with which they finished 2nd in last year’s All Ireland in Athlone. This is their 31st production.

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