Rare and Special Plants Fair

Over 40 stallholders will be exhibiting and selling their own rare and special plants.

Castletown HouseCelbridge

Event Details

  • Sun 9 May  2010

  • Venue Details
    Castletown House


  • 10am-6pm Castletown House in association with An Bord Bia, is delighted to host the 10th anniversary of the Rare and Special Plant Fair where a host of rare and unusual plants will be available for sale at reasonable prices from growers and nurseries to the visiting public. 

  • 2pm-3pm Illustrated talk on the Flora and Fauna with Dr. Pat Moran in Castletown Parklands.

  • 3.30pm Dr. John Olley, UCD landscape historian will give an illustrated talk on 18th century plants and planting at Castletown.

  • 3.30pm Bridin Hill, Castletown Craft Gardener will be available in the Herb Garden to discuss your herbal queries.

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