Waterways for Wildlife: Athy

Explore the wildlife of the Grand Canal Barrow Line with the Irish Wildlife Trust.

Athy Heritage Centre MuseumAthy

Event Details

  • Sun 19 Aug  2018
  • 11:00am - 2:00pm

  • Cost: Free - Booking Required

  • Venue Details
    Athy Heritage Centre Museum

    Shackleton Museum
    Town Hall, Emily Square

Combining an indoor presentation and canal side fieldtrip, you will learn how to identify and record the biodiversity of the canal.

This event will provide training in bee and butterfly identification and canal natural heritage recording.
It will consist of an indoor presentation followed by an outdoor fieldtrip.

Participants will survey a section of the canal for native trees, aquatic life, pollinators, and other wildlife. Dress for the outdoors and wear comfortable footwear.

Contact the event organisers at conservation@iwt.ie for booking. 

This project is funded by Waterways Ireland and Kildare County Council.

Booking Required via email.

Venue: Athy Heritage Centre Museum & Canal Fieldtrip
Admission: Free - Booking Required

Date/Time: Sunday 19th, 11:00am - 2:00pm

The Irish Wildlife Trust (IWT) aims to conserve wildlife and the habitats they depend on throughout Ireland while encouraging a greater understanding and appreciation of the natural world and the need to protect it.  

The Irish Wildlife Trust was founded in 1979 as a non-governmental organisation and charity

Event Contact Details

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