Leixlip in Pictures over 250 years

John Colgan, tidytowner, author of 'Leixlip, County Kildare' will show maps, paintings and photos of Leixlip past and talk about them.

RC Parish CentreLeixlip

Event Details

  • Tue 20 Aug  2019
  • 7.15pm - 9.00pm

  • Cost: Free

  • Venue Details
    RC Parish Centre


Questions & observations welcome. All welcome.

Venue: RC Parish Centre, Leixlip
Organiser: Leixlip Tidy Town Association

Email: leixliplife@gmail.com
Telephone: 085 1007369

Admission: Free

Tuesday 20 Aug
7.15pm - 9.00pm

Event Contact Details

Please use the contact details below if they differ from the venue contact details.

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