Christ Church, Celbridge: Architects, Builder, Designers

A pop-up exhibition on the work of Sir Thomas Drew and S.H. Bolton architect and builder of Christ Church, as well as the Shaw family, mill owners and major contributors to the building.

Christ ChurchCelbridge

Event Details

  • Sat 29 Aug - Sun 30 Aug  2015
  • 11:00 AM to 17:30 PM

  • Cost: Free

  • Venue Details
    Christ Church

    Main Street

Drew was a leading architect, specialised in church architecture and in the design of church fittings and furniture. Bolton was a leading Dublin builder also with interests in design and production. Free guided tours or browse at your leisure. Children welcome. Refreshments.

Is Booking Required: No

Suitable for Children: Yes

Wheelchair Access: Full

Car parking Available: Yes

Event Contact Details

Please use the contact details below if they differ from the venue contact details.

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