After the Lock-Out: the Workers' Movement 1916-23

Lecture by Terry Dunne.

Teach Diarmada Community CentreCastledermot

Event Details

  • Thu 26 May  2016
  • 8.00pm

  • Cost: ???2 - members free

  • Venue Details
    Teach Diarmada Community Centre


The Irish Transport and General Workers' Union didn't go away after 1913 and this is the story of it, and its more militant offshoots, and their role in the 1916 Rising, the 1918 Conscription Crisis and in organising rural workers in Leinster and East Munster generally, and particularly in south Kildare. 

One of a series of public lectures on the revolutionary decade from 1913 to 1923 with a particular focus on the Easter Rising. Happening on the last Tuesday of each month, at 8 p.m. in Teach Diarmada, Castledermot. Entry 2 euro/members free. More events will be added to the programme over the course of 2016. Organised by Castledermot Local History Group.  Grant-aided by Kildare County Council.

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