The Maynooth 15 walk to the GPO

Re-enactment of 'The Maynooth 15' walk to the GPO, Dublin.


Event Details

  • Sat 23 Apr  2016
  • 1.00pm

  • Venue Details


The event will be a re-enactment of “The Maynooth 15” walk to the GPO.  The Committee will do a walking tour of Maynooth highlighting the history of the town before, during and after the rising.  This event will start at Buckley’s shop where the men congregated and culminate at the college gates where the men were blessed by the college president.  After this there will be refreshments and a display of historic memorabilia in the scouts den.  The Maynooth Brass and Reed Band will see the marchers off with some music.

The Band and Maynooth GAA will be represented on the march in honour of their “Maynooth 15” members who took part in the revolution. The Inland Waterways Association are supporting the marchers by travelling along the canal and offering refreshments and facilities, a limited number of passengers will be facilitated on the barges.  

The group will leave the canal at Cross Guns bridge, escorted by members of the Irish Volunteers, Dublin Brigade and make its way to the GPO, where it will be greeted by the Lady Mayor of Dublin, who will recite the lines that Padraig Pearse greeted “The Maynooth 15” with: “Your actions in marching from Kildare, even if you do no more in the rebellion, will gain you a place in history”.

Attendees will return to Maynooth on a chartered bus.

Location: Start at Maynooth Town Square, walk to G.P.O. in Dublin via the Canal.

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