Befriending Service Information Evening

Befriending Service Information Evening

Allenwood on Tuesday , 8th November

A new Befriending initiative to tackle isolation amongst older residents throughout Co. Kildare is to be piloted this Autumn.

Community Alert groups have been at the forefront of supporting the needs of older people in their communities through informal befriending and the provision of socially monitored alarms for years. This is an initiative which may be of interest to older people in your communities and members of your groups who could be potential Befrienders as well. Come along and find out more.

The project will be led by Older Voices Kildare and has been jointly developed by a range of agencies including County Kildare LEADER Partnership, Muintir na Tire, SAGE Support and Advocacy Service for Older People, HSE, KWETB Community Education Service-Kildare, ALONE and Befriending Networks Ireland.

Volunteers interested in taking part in this pilot initiative and wishing to find out more, are being invited to attend an information evening on Tuesday, November 8th in Allenwood Enterprise Park 

This will run from 7.30p.m.-9.30p.m. Another information night was organised recently in Athy and was attended by volunteers interested in befriending, community alert group members and others.

Loneliness has been recognised as a national health issue and numerous studies have shown the serious impact that loneliness has on health and well-being. Indeed some research indicates that it can have effects comparable to the consequences of smoking and obesity.

However befriending initiatives have been shown to have a very positive impact at addressing the problem and it is hoped that this project will result in a group of volunteers being trained to provide supportive, reliable relationships to older people who have requested a Befriender from Older Voices Kildare and ultimately result in the establishment of an ongoing Befriending Service in the county. The pilot will also seek to encourage people to be a good neighbour and look out for the needs of their older neighbours and friends.

To register your interest, please contact:

Denise Coke,  Older Voices Kildare,  045-895450, 087-1411669 or

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