Maynooth set to fly the Purple Flag

Maynooth set to fly the Purple Flag

North Kildare Chamber strives forward with the Purple Flag

North Kildare Chamber strives forward with the Purple Flag Application submitted to achieve the prestigious Purple Flag Award for Maynooth and the working group is pleased to announce the submission of the Maynooth Purple Flag Entry Review Application and Self-Assessment Forms.

The application, which has brought together a multitude of stakeholders working within and for the town, has garnered the successful collaboration and commitment of all those involved.

The awarding of the Purple Flag symbolises a location that offers a well-managed, diverse, entertaining and enjoyable evening and night out.

The application which involved a recent Purple Flag Award self-assessment of Maynooth Town which focused on reviewing the evening and night time offering of the town under the five themes of the award scheme which are Wellbeing, Movement, Appeal, Place and Policy, was contributory in emphasising the positives and areas in need of attention for those visiting and enjoying the town of Maynooth.

The final Purple Flag Award assessment, which will be undertaken by an external Purple Flag assessor and will take place in November, will inform the concluding section of the overall application and in doing so will be key to the final award decision.

Jennifer Forster, Membership and Events Manager in commenting on the overall award and application process, stated:

 “The award is likened to a “gold standard” and requires a comprehensive set of standards, management processes and good practice procedures to be in place with regard to our town management and offering. We have a great town in Maynooth and there is a huge amount of effort being focused on the continued energising of the town. This award will be a further string in the bow, and will be instrumental as a marketing and promotion tool as we expand the diversity of the offering available within Maynooth and in doing so, further expand the appeal of the town to tourists and residents alike”.

Allan Shine, CEO of the Chamber added: 

“Maynooth is a very proud town and with good reason and the hopeful future attainment of the Purple Flag award will set us apart as a must visit location. There is great enthusiasm and spirit here to continuously improve on our offering and the achievement of this award will be a testament to the ongoing efforts that are underway and the plans for the future.”  

The process is a joint initiative funded by Kildare County Council and North Kildare Chamber

The announcement of the final awarding decision is expected in December 2016.

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