Maynooth is Ireland's fastest growing University

Maynooth is Ireland's fastest growing University

Largest ever intake this year

Strong demand for its new undergraduate curriculum will see the largest ever intake at Maynooth University, with more than 2,960 students due to start in September. Maynooth University this year received its highest ever level of first preference applications, and as a result, this year will also see the intake of more than 670 high achieving students who received 450 points or more.
The demand from students for Maynooth University’s new undergraduate curriculum represents a significant endorsement of its unique proposition in the Irish education system. The curriculum has been designed in response to the needs of today’s students and provides greater choice and flexibility within its degrees. Undergraduate students have the option of specialising immediately or exploring a range of disciplines in first year and specialising later. The curriculum emphasises the fundamental skills of critical thinking and clear communication, which are addressed from the outset, and included in special small group courses in first year. Students also have the opportunity to take additional elective courses outside of their core studies, including modern language courses, alongside any degree.
As expected, Maynooth’s CAO points saw a slight decrease across several courses this year. This reflects both an increase in intake—Maynooth will accept more than 2,960 undergraduates this year, an increase of 5% on last year—and the strategic decision to significantly reduce its number of entry-routes, from more than 50 to approximately 35. The broader entry routes give students more time to make the best decisions for their future, while also addressing the pressure students feel from the points race, and the rote learning and ‘studying to the exam’ which results.
To create these broader entry routes, the University consolidated entry to courses which had previously been offered under different codes—some with extremely high points but only small numbers of students:

Five humanities courses (English, History, Anthropology, Politics, and International Development) were brought together into Maynooth University’s Bachelor of Arts Degree. Maynooth University’s Bachelor of Arts degree is now the most popular course in the country with the total student intake increasing from 1,300 to 1,400 to meet this demand.

Four business courses (Business & Management, Equine Business, Marketing, and Entrepreneurship), with 2015 CAO points ranging from 350 – 435, have, this year, been folded into one core business course at 405 points. 

Two media courses (Media Studies and Digital Media) with 2015 CAO points ranging from 360 – 450 have, this year, have been merged into one course at 340 points, with a 25% increase in places.

Maynooth University has always emphasised that the level of points should not be seen as indicative of the prestige or quality of courses. Maynooth University President, Professor Philip Nolan, observes: “We’re very pleased with students’ response to our exciting new curriculum and our decision to broaden entry routes.  We have even more high ability students applying to attend this year, attracted by our challenging teaching, our emphasis on critical skills, and the flexibility and choice within our degrees. We radically reduced the number of separate CAO entry routes, leading by example, and are dispelling the fallacy that high points courses admitting small numbers of students are somehow more prestigious or better than a broader education, and are more attractive to students. This fallacy has dominated the development of the CAO system over the last two decades and has significantly exacerbated the pressure felt by students as they prepare for the Leaving Certificate and the transition to higher education."
Discussing students’ response to the new curriculum, Professor Nolan said: 

“Today represents a significant milestone for Maynooth University. The high level of demand we have seen for our undergraduate courses is a great vindication of our decision to present a unique proposition to students, very different to what is on offer from the other six universities.”
“Leaving Certificate students need to be able to focus on doing the best they can in their exams, but for years higher education institutes have been demanding that they choose from a bewildering array of highly specialised courses. The demand for the new Maynooth University curriculum shows that students, including high achievers, are attracted to a broad education preparing them for the many challenges their future holds. This year Maynooth University will see its highest ever intake of students. Each and every student who begins their undergraduate studies this year will have the benefit of a broad education that has been designed with their future needs firmly in mind,” Professor Nolan concluded.

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