Kildare Company Powers Energy Saving

Kildare Company Powers Energy Saving

Get Solutions has helped Spar in Portmarnock to slash its energy bill by 20% in a simple lighting equipment swap.

Spar in Portmarnock has slashed its energy bill by 20% in a simple lighting equipment swap. Michael Doyle, owner with more than thirty years’ experience in the retail trade, had wanted to reduce his overheads. Speaking with other Spar owners he discovered the comprehensive solution offered by utility services provider Get Solutions in Kildare. Armed with the recommendation to speak with Get Solutions Michael make contact late last year. Fast forward two months to February 2016 and he had not only replaced all his lighting equipment, he had also sourced a low cost loan to cover the investment.

‘Get Solutions introduced me to AIB who have these loans available for energy renovation at a low rate of four percent,’ says Michael. ‘They set up the introduction and I met with my bank relationship manager, Within 24 hours I had agreement on the investment required.’

In total Michael borrowed €8,500 to undertake the renovation. However, from the first month he cut his bill by €800, thereby financing the repayment of loan. Moreover, the actual return on investment is only 16 months.

‘Repaying the loan was the difference between the old and new electricity bills so there was no pain involved at all,’ says Michael. ‘It’s a no brainer. In fact, if I had wanted to spread the term of the loan out over a longer period I would have been saving from month one. I just chose to power on and look forward to the reductions coming down the line next year.’

Michael was also very impressed with the quality of the lighting products. Prior to the renovation he had florescent bulbs in the ceiling of his 15,000 square foot premise. They came in three strips and were cumbersome. His new lighting is much neater and smaller and comes in a single solid light. And for a bonus the shop is much better lit than before.

‘Get Solutions organised the switch overnight so there was no disruption to my premises,’ says Michael. ‘They came at 7pm and finished at 7am. I have to say I was most impressed by the tidiness of the installation team. They covered all stands and equipment and left the place neat as a pin. While the units may have only needed bulb swap-outs, the ceiling required tiles to be removed.

‘They did a most professional job and only the quality of new lighting highlighted the change,’ says Michael.

Following this renovation, Michael has been working with other suppliers such as Coke and HB to replace his old fridges with energy efficient fridges. He expects the savings to continue.

John Quirke, project manager with Get Solutions responsible for the job, says: 

‘Michael’s shop was an ideal project for us. It allowed Get Solutions to not only reduce his costs but also find the low cost finance. It was a pleasure working in his shop.’

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