In-store Gluten-Free Event in Monasterevin

In-store Gluten-Free Event in Monasterevin

McConville's SuperValu on Tuesday, March 7th

The Coeliac Society of Ireland, in association with SuperValu have announced their 2017 series of In-Store Gluten Free Events. A total of 25 events are planned throughout the year, across the country, with an event in McConville’s SuperValu on Tuesday, March 7th. All these events are free to attend and those who make it along can look forward to sampling a range of gluten-free products, expert advice on following a gluten free diet from the Coeliac Society, tips on understanding food labels plus an opportunity to speak with a dietitian.

 Coeliac disease is estimated to affect 1% of the Irish population (approximately 47,500 people). It is an auto-immune disease, which prevents those affected from digesting gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye.  The disease can manifest itself at any stage in a person’s lifetime, with symptoms including abdominal pain, recurring mouth-ulcers, weight-loss, vomiting and diarrhoea. The health implications of undiagnosed coeliac disease are far reaching can include; fertility issues, osteoporosis and anaemia. The only treatment is a gluten-free diet.

 Commenting in advance of the in-store events, CEO of the Coeliac Society of Ireland, Fergal O’Sullivan said “We are delighted to partner with SuperValu on this series of events. At least 1 in 100 people in Ireland in Ireland has coeliac disease and it can be challenging for them to figure out what they can eat, as gluten is a common ingredient in food.  I would encourage anyone who wants to find out more about coeliac disease or following a gluten free diet to attend an event in their local SuperValu store. We are here to help.”

 He added: “The Coeliac Society of Ireland provides up-to-date support and information for those suffering from coeliac disease, as well as for their families. This includes an invaluable Food List, available to members, which references over 6,400 gluten-free products available on the Irish market. Members also receive monthly updates on new products.”

James Tierney, Manager of  McConville’s SuperValu, Monasterevin said: “We are delighted to host this event in our store.  SuperValu has invested heavily in ensuring we stock an extensive range of gluten free products that offer good value and great taste. Our Food Academy programme has also produced a large number of innovative products demonstrating the potential for small producers to develop some nice niche products. The in-store event is a great opportunity to showcase the range of gluten-free produce available and for us to engage with our shoppers to get their views”.
These free in-store events are open to the general public, including those who are simply interested in maintaining a gluten-free diet. No pre-booking required.

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