Mondello Park launches Platinum Track Day Club

Mondello Park launches Platinum Track Day Club

Aimed at drivers of high value performance cars.

Drivers of high value exotic and sports cars will have their own premium Track Day Club in 2014 for the first time, with the introduction by Mondello Park of the Platinum Track Club. Aimed at drivers of high value performance cars, the Club will offer its members the chance to fully experience their cars and learn how to really drive them on track.

Applications are now being taken from drivers with suitable cars who wish to sample more of what their vehicles are capable of, in a controlled environment, behind closed doors. Membership of the Club will cost just €100 and is available to drivers with or without previous track experience.

To become a member, drivers must simply provide their contact information along with details of their car, including a photograph. Once accepted, members will be provided with their personal Platinum Track Club membership card, which they will use when booking a place on a Platinum Track Day.

The Platinum Track Club will run four exclusive Track Days during 2014 as well as offering other soon to be announced benefits. On the morning of the opening event, scheduled for March 28th, Platinum Track Club members will be able to take advantage of Mondello Park's hugely acclaimed Track Day Training programme. There will be a combination of classroom and on track tuition for the duration of the morning, prior to the afternoon’s track day on the 3.5km International Circuit.

All Platinum Track Club days will be closed to the public and will offer a relaxed and comfortable environment for drivers. Each member will be allowed to bring along a guest, and a hospitality suite, complete with complimentary Tea, Coffee and refreshments, will be provided for drivers and guests to watch, mingle and network in during the event.

Mondello Park's previous premium Car Track Day's, known as VIP Track Days, were a great success with over 180 participants, but these fell away during the economic downturn. With more high value cars beginning to appear again at regular Car Track Days, Mondello Park feels the time is right for the introduction of the Platinum Track Club and demand for membership is expected to be high.

Drivers wishing to become members of the new Club should contact Ian Beatty at Mondello Park on 045-860200 or

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