St. Michael's Church Athy - Jubilee Celebrations

St. Michael's Church Athy - Jubilee Celebrations

29th September - 3rd October

  • Monday, 29th September: 7.30 pm Mass & speaker Rev Deacon Derek Leonard
  • Tuesday 30th Sept: 7.30 Mass & speaker Grace Krueger
  • Wednesday 1st October: 7.30 Mass & Speaker, Br. Terence Harrington OFM Cap
  • Thursday 2nd October:7.30-8.30 pm Eucharistic Adoration
  • Friday 3rd October: 7.30 pm Mass. 

Priests who have served in the parish have been invited to attend this celebration.

Mass will be followed by refreshments and photography display of the church and parish events over the last 50 years. All welcome. (If you have pictures, please bring them for scanning to Dataprint, Dublin Rd, by 13th September).

To mark the 50th Anniversary of the opening of St Michael's Church, a Special Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Eamonn Walsh on Friday, 3rd October at 7.30 pm. A "Jubilee Choir" for the Mass is being brought together by Eileen Doyle and Vincent Crowley. The next choir practice is on Wednesday 10th September in Mount St Mary’s Centre opposite the rear entrance to Perry's at 8.00 pm.

There was a big turn out to date. Please keep up the good work. If any Singers/musicians still wish to join they are very welcome.

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