Backstage Academy of Performing Arts OPEN DAY

Backstage Academy of Performing Arts OPEN DAY

For new students aged 7-18. Sat. 17th Jan. 10am-1pm @ The Moat Theatre

Backstage, nationally recognised for its performing arts training work with young people, begins its tenth year at the Moat Theatre with an Open Day for new students.

Backstage is a Theatre-In-Education company teaching the skills of performance to young people so whether you  sing, dance, act or perform in any way-or would like to, our  team of experienced teachers, highly regarded in the business, are there to equip you with the necessary skills. We also use the performance arts to develop self-confidence, communication skills and critical thinking.

While we do shows and productions and a number of our students have gone on to become recognisable faces in Film, TV and stage, this is only a part of what we do.

Stage schools can be ‘all cliques and cool kids’ favouring recognisable talent and those that can replicate-but it can leave quieter kids ignored and individualistic or latent talent can go unnoticed or dismissed as ‘ not doing it properly’.

At Backstage we encourage the individual and their ideas. Students are given opportunities to develop their own ideas and styles and in some cases whole performances are based on our students’ writings and work. Our work is strongly drama based and we recognise that other forms such as singing and dance need the drama element included to enhance the quality of work.

The Open Day allows young people the opportunity to come along and experience the work of the company before joining. You must arrive on time and be prepared to stay for the full session from 10am-1pm.Children aged 12 and under should be accompanied by a parent but parents are not required to stay during the session. Entry to the Open Day is free of charge. Those interested may apply for one of our vacancies at the end of the Open Day.

Our sessions run every Saturday from 10am-1pm and the fee is 15 Euro per weekly, three hour session, paid weekly.

If you would like to book a place for the Open Day, please contact the Moat Theatre on 045-883030.

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