Cycle Against Suicide Seeks Homestay Hosts in Kildare

Cycle Against Suicide Seeks Homestay Hosts in Kildare

Cycle Against Suicide Will Visit Kildare on Sunday 5th May 2019


Each homestay host provide cyclists with a warm meal, a chance to freshen up, and a bed for the night. 

Feedback from Homestay hosts indicates that this experience has been extremely rewarding, as it allows hosts to lend support in a very tangible way.

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Telephone (086) 2849426


Cycle Against Suicide is an awareness charity (CHY 20867) that makes a valuable contribution to the public education of mental health by changing the narrative surrounding suicide.  When an individual is vulnerable enough to consider taking their own life, silence is read as indifference. With over 800 people dying by suicide in Ireland each year and research indicating that thousands more contemplate it, we all have a role to play to collectively address the challenges that suicide presents.  Cycle Against Suicide sets out to change culture and create a society that openly talks about suicide, thus enabling people to speak up and reach out for help.

Our leading awareness campaign into communities is our Main Cycle, which this year will take place from April 27th to May 6th:   

This is a community-wide awareness-raising campaign to mobilise all sectors of society to work together to change negative attitudes.  

In doing so, we hope to enable those who struggle with mental ill health to see help. 

This campaign/cycle promotes a key message to local people: 'It's OK not to feel OK; and it is absolutely OK to ask for help'.   

This simple yet powerful message could save the lives of those in our communities who are feeling alone.

Our Campaign arrives and stays overnight in Kildare on Sunday 5th May 2019.  

Cycle Against Suicide will deliver a mental health talk Monday morning in Round Towers GAA Club to the wider Kildare community and then the peleton moves to complete the 700km journey.

Key to the campaign is where local families host a cyclist overnight, giving them a meal and a bed.  

Cycle Against Suicide are seeking homestay families in Kildare Town and the surrounding areas who would give a bed to a cyclist on Sunday night 5th May. 

The bicycles are stored overnight so the host would not have to worry about that.  

Cycle Against Suicide are delighted with the response so far but still need about 30 beds. 

All monies raised from the Cycle Against Suicide main cycle are invested into their schools programme.  

Ireland ranks 4th highest on teen suicide in the EU, with one in three young people experiencing a mental health difficulty in any given year.  

Our schools builds resilience and fosters a sense of belonging amongst our young people.  

Nenagh College is one of the schools that we work with.

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