New Meeting Space

New Meeting Space

New club meeting space opening at Yankee Store

The large mezzanine space at Yankee Store in Ladytown Business park is being made into a meeting space that can be used by clubs & groups.  

For non profit goups, a nominal charge of €10 + €3 per person will apply for a half day session.. This will include tea/coffee.

For people looking to hold classes or other commercial meetings a charge of €10 + €5 per person will apply for a half day session - again this will include tea/coffee. 

Approx 30 seats will be available along with tables.

Plenty of Free Parking available.

The space is not suitable for children (our insurers have stipuated this) or any meetings that would create excessive noise (such as political / protest meetings)

The area is in excess of 1,000 sq ft and will be available from mid August and initally it will be available 9.30am to 5pm Monday to Saturday, & 11.30am to 5pm Sunday. 

To book or make further enquiries, email

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