LPTC@Leixlip CoderDojo Resumes!

LPTC@Leixlip CoderDojo Resumes!

The LPTC@Leixlip CoderDojo is a youth-led free coding club for young people between the ages of 7 and 18. Our first session for 2019/2020 is the 7th of September and we're looking for new attendees.

The LPTC@Leixlip CoderDojo is back on the 7th of September for our first Dojo of the 2019/2020 academic year! 

Sessions will run from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Hewlett-Packard in Leixlip. 

We're running three groups this year:
Scratch (for those at a beginner level)
Electronics (for those moving on from scratch), and
Projects (for those who want to pursue their own projects at a high level).

Everyone is welcome to come and attend.

Whether you've been with us for the past three years or this will be your first time using a computer we'd love to have you!

As always CoderDojo is completely free all you have to bring is your own laptop and guardian if under the age of 13.

For those new to the LPTC@Leixlip CoderDojo you may have some questions:

What is CoderDojo?

CoderDojo is a volunteer-run movemenet of coding clubs for young people. It was first founded in Cork eight years ago and has now spread all over the world. It provides young people with a safe, fun, and social place to learn the digital skills of the future, form new friendships, and explore their creativity. 


What is special about the LPTC@Leixlip CoderDojo is that we are youth-led. I guess it would be good to introduce myself, my name is Richard and I am a seventeen year old who is just going into sixth year. I also organize and mentor in the LPTC@Leixlip CoderDojo. Some of our other mentors are also young people, which contributes to the relaxed and fun atmosphere of the club.

What happens in the Dojo?

A form of "organised chaos". Attendees learn by doing and are supported by our incredible mentor team consisting of youth mentors, parents, software developers, and the attendees themselves. 

Did you say this is free?

Part of CoderDojo's mission is to ensure every kid, no matter their circumstances, has access to the skills of the future. Therefore there are no costs associated with attending the LPTC@Leixlip CoderDojo. All our sessions are free and open to all, everyone helping out is a volunteer, and our room is generously given to us by Hewlett-Packard. 

How do I join?

You can book a ticket for our first session at: https://zen.coderdojo.com/events/5c9efaea-c3e8-453f-9f97-ced7a3110851/?fbclid=IwAR1r03kW5duVb-JqLa-6x-EBufUtdqWXO9lsNu0IrBr--NQ5b3mJuD8yHqQ

You can see our facebook page for further details at: https://www.facebook.com/lptcdojo/ 

You can learn more about CoderDojo by going to: https://coderdojo.com 

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