Draft Heritage Plan 2016 - 2020

Draft Heritage Plan 2016 - 2020

Draft Plan- Public Consultation

Waterways Ireland in conjunction with the Heritage Forum has prepared a Waterways Ireland Draft Heritage Plan 2016 - 2020 and is looking for your views from now until Friday, 6th of November 2015. Aim of the Waterways Ireland Heritage Plan:

'To identify, conserve and promote the sustainable use of the unique waterways heritage for the enjoyment of this and future generations'.  

View the plan online at http://www.waterwaysireland.org/Pages/Public-Consultation.aspx

The Draft Plan sets out the heritage objectives and actions which are prioritised up until 2020. The actions will help identify, raise awareness of and promote the conservation of the built, natural and cultural heritage of the inland navigable waterways.

How can I take part in the consultation process?

Post to: Draft Heritage Plan Consultation, Waterways Ireland Western Regional Office, Dock Road, Drewsborough, Scarriff, Co. Clare V94 H7N1 

E-mail: heritageplan@waterwaysireland.org by the 6th of November 2015. Submissions made via email should include the name and address of the person/organisation represented.

A series of public information sessions will also be held and feedback given at these will be included with the formal submissions. Details of these sessions will be on Waterways Ireland website as soon as they are finalised.

All submissions and comments received during the above time period will be considered and the draft plan will be amended accordingly.?



Don't forget the Waterways Ireland Art/ Photographic Competition which runs until September 30th.

See the following link for more details: http://www.waterwaysireland.org/Pages/News-Details.aspx?news-id=115

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