Uses Being Sought for Newbridge Town Hall

Uses Being Sought for Newbridge Town Hall

Expressions of interest being sought by the County Council

Phase two of the restoration of Newbridge Town Hall, formerly a Church of Ireland building, is shortly due for completion.  Phase one involved re-roofing and removal of internal structures and some adjacent buildings.   It also included installation of an art piece which attracted some debate.

Phase two covers restoring the internal of the building to its original state.  These works include provision of services, heating, electrics, toilet facilities and refurbishment of the windows.  The programme is progressing on time and due for completion by the end of November 2015.  Once snagging and commissioning of services is completed, the building will be handed back to the council.  The restoration contract is being carried out under the direction of Shane de Blacam, of De Blacam & Meagher Architects, in association with Kildare County Council’s Architects Department.

Municipal District members expressed high praise for the works to date at a recent site visit and Mayor of Kildare-Newbridge municipal district, Councillor Paddy Kennedy, stated that “what is emerging from the dust is a magnificent iconic building that will be welcomed by the whole community of Newbridge”.

While external works do not form part of the current phase, the importance of securing appropriate uses for the building is now the immediate challenge.

Under an independent Chairperson, the Town Hall Management Board now needs to be selected.  The Management Board of five people will be representative across the main strands of Youth/Education, Community & Voluntary, Heritage & Culture and Business.

It is envisaged that this Board will remain in place until the end of 2017.  They will be supported by a Project Administrator who will help set up the necessary structures, protocols and management arrangements.  The Management Board will guide the public consultation process and assess the various expressions of interest that are being sought or have already been submitted. If you wish to register your interest, the registration form is available at

This is an important step in reclaiming the town centre of Newbridge as a destination in itself and should lead to the upgrade of Georges Street and surrounding areas.


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