Official Launch of Athy Regeneration Strategy

Official Launch of Athy Regeneration Strategy

Clanard Court Hotel, 10th November

Official launch of Athy Regeneration Strategy by Ms Ann Phelan TD, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine and Transport, Tourism, and Sport with Special Responsibility for Rural Economic Development. 

Open invitation to the community of Athy 

As you are probably aware, Athy Enterprise Network, facilitated by the Athy Enterprise Company, commissioned Shannon International Development Consultants to prepare a Regeneration Plan for Athy.

The Consultants were asked to prepare an economic, social, cultural and environmental regeneration strategy for the town which has been in decline for some years past. The public consultation process undertaken by the Consultants extended over a number of months and resulted in the Athy Regeneration Plan. 

Five themes have emerged through the consultation process, they are as follows: 

  • External Investment and Industry, 
  • Tourism, Heritage and Culture, 
  • Local Enterprise and Commerce, 
  • Key Sites and Infrastructure and 
  • Marketing and Branding. 

The Regeneration Plan offers the unique opportunity for local business people, the community and private individuals to work together in a joint concerted effort to improve our town. Westport Town is a town Athy would like to aspire to; Simon Wall for Westport regeneration project will deliver a presentation on their experience to date. 

Also on the night agencies that support businesses will be invited to take stands in the function room and engage with businesses after the official launch. 

You are cordially invited to attend the official launch of the Athy Regeneration Plan 2015 which takes place on 10th November 2015 at 7.30.p.m in the Clanard Court Hotel.

Please RSVP to or call Helen on 087 2373458

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