Toys, Technology & Training Programme 2016

Toys, Technology & Training Programme 2016

Kildare Library Service announces the launch of a new TTT Programme of talks and workshops for 2016

Toys, Technology and Training Programme Launch and Events for January and February 2016

Gareth Noble will be the guest speaker for the two launch events in Naas and Leixlip Libraries. Over the past 5 years the TTT Programme has gone from strength to strength and this year’s programme will be the busiest yet with lots of new additions which will benefit parents and teachers alike.

This series of TTT talks and workshops has been organised by Kildare Library Service as part of their Toys, Technology and Training Project and is funded by Kildare County Council.

A brochure containing full details of this years programme will be available at the launch events and from your local Kildare library later this month.


Gareth Noble, Solicitor
Guest Speaker to Launch TTT Programme for 2016
Naas Library: 26th January 7pm
Leixlip Library: 4th February 7pm

Gareth Noble has a particular interest in juvenile justice and currently heads up the firm’s Children’s Law Department at Kelleher O’Doherty.Gareth is recognised as one of Ireland’s leading litigators in the area of children with disabilities. He has successfully represented many families in challenging the law in respect of Domiciliary Care Allowances, Carer’s Allowance and services for children.
Gareth also acts in Education Law cases for children and families in respect of school bullying, disciplinary issues and other educational law entitlements. He has also provided advice to educational institutions on policy formation and implementation.

Gareth has represented clients before the Residential Institutions Redress Board in respect of children in the care of the state.He is a member of the Irish Penal Reform Trust and has lectured in Criminal and Constitutional law, Child Law and Human Rights law.

Gareth will discuss using the law to ensure rights of children and their parents are protected and enhanced. He will draw on his experiences with various state agencies and the courts in informing parents of how to ensure entitlements for their children can be progressed

Related Talks for February : 
Adam Harris, Founder of
Naas Library: Thursday 18th February 7pm

Adam Harris is the 20 year old founder of, Ireland's online support and advocacy service for those affected by Autism Spectrum Conditions. Adam founded AsIAm in response to his own experiences of living with Aspergers Syndrome and the need for greater public awareness of Autism.
A member of the NCSE Consultative Forum, Adam is a frequent commentator on Autism on national television, radio and print media. Adam has also spoken, on the need to change societal minds and hearts towards Autism, internationally at conferences in the United States, Morocco and the United Kingdom.

During the session, Adam will give an insight into his experiences of Aspergers Syndrome, the work of and the role a community can play in empowering people with Autism. Parents, professionals and young people are invited to meet Adam and hear his own positive and inspiring story about living with Aspergers

Behavioural Therapy : Challenging Behaviour with Audrey Cully, Behavioural Consultant
Naas Library: Tuesday 2nd February 7pm

This talk will include all aspects related to challenging behaviour, why it occurs and how to deal with it. Challenging behaviour does not occur for no reason, it has a communicative function. Using specific strategies and tools it is possible to find out why problematic behaviour occurs.

During this talk Audrey will cover :

-    Why challenging behaviour occurs

-    Functional assessment/analysis

-    Reinforcement of challenging of behaviour

-    Preventative Strategies

-    Strategies on how to respond to challenging behaviour when it occurs including teaching appropriate skills that serve the same function as the challenging behaviour.

Occupational Therapy Lecture with Dorothy Armstrong  
Kildare Library: Thursday 25th February 7pm

Helping primary school children with issues such as Dyspraxia, Asperger’s, ADHD / ADD, Down Syndrome prepare to transition to secondary school.

Dorothy Armstrong will host an evening that is aimed at parents, teachers and those who work with this population.  It will cover issues such as:  

-    The issues that are challenging when transitioning to secondary school
-    The preparation needed to prepare the child for the transition
-    Strategies that will help with organisation and secondary school readiness
-    Strategies to promote inclusion once the student are there
Practical Tips and Strategies for Parents of Children with Dyspraxia/DCD/ASD/SpLD - Catherine Sweeney, SESS Associate
Naas Library: Thursday 11th February 7pm

This informative talk will summarise the typical characteristics of children with Dyspraxia/DCD which often overlap with the characteristics of other Specific Learning Disabilities (SpLD) and Autistic Spectrum (ASD). Practical intervention strategies will be suggested for parents to support their children with Dyspraxia/DCD. A wide range of up to date and helpful resources including equipment, books, videos, websites and iPad Apps will also be presented and discussed.

Play Therapy – Sugru (Arlene Naughten, Therapeutic Play Practitioner)
Naas Library: Thursday 25th February 7pm

Arlene will give a talk on the benefits of Play Therapy whichis a beneficial process for all children who may be experiencing any type of social, emotional, cognitive, physical, psychological or educational difficulty. Therapeutic play is recommended for an array of difficulties including social/academic underachievement; selective mutism; bereavement issues; disturbed sleep; aggression; addiction disorders; problem attachment styles; any type of abuse; difficulties adjusting to separation or divorce; and inappropriate emotional responses etc.

Please note that Continuous Professional Development Certificates of Attendance for all TTT events in 2016 will only be given in person at the event. So please remember to ask for your cert before you leave as we will not be able to provide them at a later date.

For up to date details of future talks and events relating to the TTT Project please email and ask to join the mailing list at

Attendance at all of the events is free of charge and open to everyone but advance booking is required. Please contact the library where the talk is happening to book your place.

Athy Library : Tel 059 8631144 Email
Kildare Town Library: Tel 045 520235 Email:
Leixlip Library: Tel: 01 6060050 Email:
Naas Library: Tel 045 879111 Email:
Newbridge Library: Tel 045 448353 Email:

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