Maynooth University Public Consultation on Future Plans for Campus

Maynooth University Public Consultation on Future Plans for Campus

To be held on Thursday, 7th April, 2016

Maynooth University is inviting members of the local community to a public consultation on its new Campus Master Plan, which outlines plans for development of the University’s campus. 

The University’s plan lays out a vision for the campus to facilitate current and future growth in student enrolment, while strengthening its relationship with the town of Maynooth by enhancing accessibility through new cultural and sporting facilities, walking trails, and generally making the campus more open and accessible to the public.

 The public are invited to attend a Town Hall event at the Iontas Lecture Theatre (North Campus) on Thursday, 7th April, 2016 at 7pm, at which Maynooth University President, Professor Philip Nolan, will discuss the University’s plans and ideas for the campus and listen to ideas, questions, and suggestions from the community.

The draft plan is available to view online at:

There is also a public exhibition of the plan in the Iontas Foyer until 15th April, 2016. Comments and feedback from the public consultation process will be incorporated in the final plan, which will be completed and made public this summer.

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