Angels of Sixteen - Staplestown NS release a song on YouTube

Angels of Sixteen - Staplestown NS release a song on YouTube

Angels of Sixteen is a song written to commemorate and honour the forty children who died during the 1916 rising.

The song was written and composed by Kildare singer/songwriter, Mick Dunne and primary school teacher Mary McDowell. The children and teachers of Staplestown National School in Co. Kildare collaborated with Mick Dunne to produce this wonderful song and video in memory of the forty innocent lives that were lost in April 1916.

Muisc composed by Mick Dunne
Lyrics by Mary McDowell, adapted for music by Mary McDowell and Paula Radford.
Sung by the children of Scoil Naomh Mhuire National School, Staplestown, Donadea, Co. Kildare.
Art work by the pupils of Scoil Naomh Mhuire NS
Photographs courtesy of the Irish Times

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