b'Goal 2 Infrastructure and Built Environment Objective 1:To increase the resilience of roads and transport infrastructureNo. ActionLead & Partner(s)BudgetedTimeframe S/M/L1.Undertake a Risk Assessment of all road infrastructureRoads Section3ShortMediumto identify the severity of climate change risksDTTAS function and condition. This risk should provide for anTIIunderstanding and quantificationof risks posed by extreme heat/drought, cold and rainfall events. The findings should be integrated into decision making processes,road infrastructure programmes, design and planning for new roads, project budgets and investment. 2.Review road infrastructure in the context of climateRoads Section3 Shortvulnerabilities to establish: Municipal District OfficesThe need to implement structural integrity assessments of infrastructure after extreme events.The need to collate a critical infrastructure inventory to aid works prioritisation.Infrastructure capacity limits and the impact of climate change events on road networks and alternative transport modes throughout the county.Road safety standards can be maintained at all timesin face of projected climate event hazards including: Cyclist and walker safety Building awareness on driving in adverse conditions best practiceThe need for clean-up and route clearing operationsafter major weather events and increase efficiencies where required.3.Integrate climate considerations into the design, planningPlanning Section3 Mediumand construction of all roads, footpaths, bridges, public realm Roads Sectionsand other construction projects and make provision to Architectural Servicesincorporate green infrastructure as a mechanism for carbon offset within projects as well as for wider environmentalbenefits such as providing shade to alleviate heat stress, supporting urban bio-diversity, water retentionand flood alleviation. 4.Record and document severe weather events and impact Roads SectionXMediumon road infrastructure as a baseline approach to future TIIplanning. Represent the information visually through GIS mapping (potential app for wider use) to help identify future diversionary routes and quickly mobilise action and a prepared response. 66'