
Kavanagh's Historical Bibliography of County Kildare

Kavanagh's Historical Bibliography of County Kildare

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Cavenagh, W. O.  


Some Kavanaghs of the County Kildare.

Periodical: J.K.A.S. V, 462--463.

Cavenagh, W. O.  


The Wogans of Rathcoffy, Co. Kildare--A correction.

Periodical: J.K.A.S. V, 109--113.

Chambers, Liam  


1798 and Maynooth. Published: 1998  Publisher: Maynooth 1798 Commemoration Group, Maynooth. 
Chambers, Liam  


The State Solicitor's report on the 1803 rebellion in County Kildare.

Periodical: J.K.A.S. XIX, 217--226.



Rebellion in Kildare 1790--1803. Published: 1998  Publisher: Four Courts Press, Dublin. 
Chamney, William  


Some old Kildare book-plates

Periodical: J.K.A.S. VII:280-287

Clarke, G. K.  


St. Austin's holy well, Newbridge.

Periodical: J.K.A.S. XIV. 341.

Clarke, J.K.  


The Augustinian Friary, Naas

Periodical: J. K. A. S. XIV.336--340

Clarke, T. P.  


Bog find in Co. Kildare (flint arrow).

Periodical: J.K.A.S. XII, 274--275.

Found at Tankardsgarden, Newbridge.

Clarke, T. P.  


Stone axe found at Brockagh bog near Allenwood, Co. Kildare, in June, 1943.

Periodical: J.K.A.S. XII, 442.

Clements, C. M. L.  


100 years of the County Kildare Archaeological Society

Periodical: J.K.A.S. XVII:5-7.

Clements, Henry J. B.  


Alen of St. Wolstans.

Periodical: J.K.A.S. I, 340--341.

Clements, Mr.  


Reply to query on meaning of Hazelhatch quoting Pettys map giving Hazelhurst.

Periodical: J.K.A.S. 1, 344.

Cloncurry, Valentine  


Personal recollections of the life and times , with abstracts from the correspondence of Valentine Lord Cloncurry. Published: 1849  Publisher: James McGlashen, Dublin. 
Clutterbuck, William  


Map of the wooded lands on the estate of Robert Borrowes Esq., at Martinstown, County of Kildare. 1833.

Ms. Copy in the National Library.

Clyn, John and Dowling, Thady  


The Annals of Ireland… together with the Annals of Ross edited from Mss. in the library of Trinity College, Dublin. Published: 1849  Publisher: Printed for The Irish Archaeological Society, Dublin. 

See index for references to Kildare

Clyne, Miriam  


Interim report on the archaeological excavations at Moone Abbey, Co. Kildare, 1998.

Periodical: J.K.A.S. XVIII, 473--492.

Coakley, P. F.  


Most Rev. James Doyle, O. S. A., Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin (in: A Roll of Honour: Irish prelates and priests of the last century with preface by Most Rev. John Healy, P.1--34). Published: 1905  Publisher: Catholic Truth Society, Dublin. 

Copy in the National Library.

Coddington, Caroline A.  


Recollections of Timolin extracted from the memoranda of the late Caroline A. Coddington afterwards Mrs. Frederick Brown, daughter of the Rev. Latham Coddington who was inducted to Timolin in 1809.

Periodical: J.K.A.S.VII,273--274.

Cogan, D.  


Athy Town Hall

Periodical: J.K.A.S. XVII:99-105.

Coleborn, C. F.  


An inscribed limestone slab found in the cemetary adjoining St. David's Church, Naas.

Periodical: J.K.A.S. XIV, 151.

Coleborn, C. F.  


Naas Church records

Periodical: J. K. A. S. XIV. 267--268

Coleborn, C. F.  


Naas Workhouse.

Periodical: J.K.A.S. XIV. 316--321.

Coleborn, Collis  


Naas Workhouse

Periodical: J.K.A.S. XV. 280, 320 and 322.

Coleborn, Collis  


Naas Workhouse.

Periodical: J.K.A.S. XV. 340.

Note re the cost of maintaining the inmates of the workhouse.

Colgan, John  


Abstracts from Dublin to Mullingar Turnpike Commissioners/ Trustees minute books.

Periodical: J.K.A.S. XVIII, 225--246.

Contains much information on the Leixlip-Maynooth-Kilcock road.

Colgan, John  


Hillsborough House, near Droichead Nua.

Periodical: J.K.A.S. XIX, 349--350.

Colgan, John  


Masons' marks on the Liffey bridge at Leixlip.

Periodical: J.K.A.S. XIX, 199--205.

Colgan, John and Pegley, Suzanne  


St. Mary's, Leixlip, Gravestone Inscriptions.

Periodical: J.KA.S. XIX, 315--331.

Colhoun, E. A.  


The physical background of Co. Kildare (in: County Kildare a geographical background for planning by F. H. A. Aalen, E. A. Colhoun, D. A. Gillmor and A. A. Horner. Vol. I, Section I. Published: 1970  Publisher: Department of Geography, Trinity College, Dublin. 
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Supported by the Heritage Council of Ireland

Compiled by Michael Kavanagh of Kildare County Library

This resource was made possible through the support of the Heritage Council and the Local Studies department of the Library & Arts Service of Kildare County Council.

Cover of the original bibliography

Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives