St. Mullins Church

Open to the public

Timolin ChurchTimolin

Event Details

  • Mon 20 Aug  2018
  • 6.00pm - 8.30pm

  • Cost: Free

  • Venue Details
    Timolin Church


Christian worship on the site of St. Mullins Church goes back to 600 AD when St. Moling is said to have come over the mountain from Glendalough.

The church is situated in the village of Timolin.

In the porch of the church is a 13th century effigy of a Norman knight in armour, carved in limestone.
This effigy is said to be of Robert FitzRichard and thought to be one of earliest knight effigies in Ireland.
Interesting features include two beautiful stained glass windows by Mayor of Munich.

Venue: St. Mullins Church, Timolin
Admission: Free

Date/Time: Monday 20th August, 6.00pm - 8.30pm

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